% content_for :title do %> <%= "Styleguide" %> <% end %> <% content_for :javascript_includes do %> <% end %> <% content_for(:toolbar) do %> <%= render Alchemy::Admin::ToolbarButton.new( icon: :info, label: 'Info', url: alchemy.dashboard_info_path, title: 'Info', hotkey: 'alt+i', dialog_options: { title: 'Info', size: "430x400" }, if_permitted_to: [:index, :alchemy_admin_styleguide] ) %> <% end %>
This is a paragraph, with a link, a keyboard shortcut and an inline code snippet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
<% end %>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
<% end %>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
<% end %>This form is inside a .panel
Table Heading 1 | Table Heading 2 | Table Heading 3 |
Even table cell 1 | Even table cell 2 | Even table cell 3 |
Odd table cell 1 | Odd table cell 2 | Odd table cell 3 |
Table Heading 1 | Table Heading 2 | Table Heading 3 | ||
<%= render_icon "user" %> | Even table cell 1 | Even table cell 2 | Even table cell 3 | <%= render_icon "delete-bin-2" %> <%= render_icon "edit" %> |
<%= render_icon "user", style: "fill" %> | Odd table cell 1 | Odd table cell 2 | Odd table cell 3 | <%= render_icon "delete-bin-2" %> <%= render_icon "edit" %> |