require 'yaml' configuration = Capistrano::Configuration.respond_to?(:instance) ? Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist) : Capistrano.configuration(:must_exist) configuration.load do # define some extra folder to create set :shared_children, %w(files config/frontend config/backend config/library sessions) # custom events configuration after 'deploy:setup' do forkcms.link_document_root migrations.prepare end after 'deploy:update_code' do forkcms.link_configs forkcms.link_sessions forkcms.link_files end before 'deploy:create_symlink' do migrations.execute end after "deploy:create_symlink" do opcode.clear end after "sumodev:redirect:put" do opcode.clear end # Fork CMS specific tasks namespace :forkcms do desc 'Clear the frontend and backend cache-folders' task :clear_cached do # remove frontend cached data run %{ rm -rf #{current_path}/frontend/cache/cached_templates/* && rm -rf #{current_path}/frontend/cache/locale/* && rm -rf #{current_path}/frontend/cache/minified_css/* && rm -rf #{current_path}/frontend/cache/minified_js/* && rm -rf #{current_path}/frontend/cache/navigation/* && rm -rf #{current_path}/frontend/cache/statistics/* && rm -rf #{current_path}/frontend/cache/templates/* } # remove backend cached data run %{ rm -rf #{current_path}/backend/cache/analytics/* && rm -rf #{current_path}/backend/cache/cronjobs/* && rm -rf #{current_path}/backend/cache/locale/* && rm -rf #{current_path}/backend/cache/mailmotor/* && rm -rf #{current_path}/backend/cache/templates/* } end desc 'Link the config files' task :link_configs do # create config files path_library = <<-CONFIG CONFIG # upload the files put path_library, "#{shared_path}/config/frontend/config.php" put path_library, "#{shared_path}/config/backend/config.php" # change the path to current_path run "if [ -f #{shared_path}/config/library/globals.php ]; then sed -i 's/#{version_dir}\\/[0-9]*/#{current_dir}/' #{shared_path}/config/library/globals.php; fi" # create dirs run %{ mkdir -p #{release_path}/frontend/cache/config && mkdir -p #{release_path}/backend/cache/config } # symlink the globals run %{ ln -sf #{shared_path}/config/library/globals_backend.php #{release_path}/library/globals_backend.php && ln -sf #{shared_path}/config/library/globals_frontend.php #{release_path}/library/globals_frontend.php && ln -sf #{shared_path}/config/library/globals.php #{release_path}/library/globals.php && ln -sf #{shared_path}/config/frontend/config.php #{release_path}/frontend/cache/config/config.php && ln -sf #{shared_path}/config/backend/config.php #{release_path}/backend/cache/config/config.php } end desc 'Link the session files' task :link_sessions do run %{ mkdir -p #{shared_path}/sessions && cp -r #{release_path}/app/sessions #{shared_path}/ && rm -rf #{release_path}/app/sessions && ln -s #{shared_path}/sessions #{release_path}/app/sessions } end desc 'link the document root to the current/default_www-folder' task :link_document_root do # create symlink for document_root if it doesn't exists documentRootExists = capture("if [ ! -e #{document_root} ]; then ln -sf #{current_path} #{document_root}; echo 'no'; fi").chomp unless documentRootExists == 'no' warn "Warning: Document root (#{document_root}) already exists" warn 'to link it to the Fork deploy issue the following command:' warn ' ln -sf #{current_path} #{document_root}' end end desc 'Create needed symlinks' task :link_files do # get the list of folders in /frontend/files folders = capture("ls -1 #{release_path}/frontend/files").split(/\r?\n/) # loop the folders folders.each do |folder| # copy them to the shared path, remove them from the release and symlink them run %{ mkdir -p #{shared_path}/files/#{folder} && cp -r #{release_path}/frontend/files/#{folder} #{shared_path}/files/ && rm -rf #{release_path}/frontend/files/#{folder} && ln -s #{shared_path}/files/#{folder} #{release_path}/frontend/files/#{folder} } end end end namespace :migrations do desc 'prepares the server for running fork migrations' task :prepare do # Check if the migrations file exists. migrationsFileExists = capture("if [ -f #{shared_path}/executed_migrations ]; then echo 'yes'; fi").chomp # Only create the file if it doesn't exists. unless migrationsFileExists == 'yes' # Create an empty executed_migrations file put '', "#{shared_path}/executed_migrations" end # Create a maintenance folder containing the index page from our gem maintenance_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) maintenance_path = "#{maintenance_path}/../maintenance" run "mkdir #{shared_path}/maintenance" # copy the contents of the index.html file to our shared folder"#{maintenance_path}/index.html", "rb") do |f| put, "#{shared_path}/maintenance/index.html" f.close end # copy the contents of the .htaccess file to our shared folder"#{maintenance_path}/.htaccess", "rb") do |f| put, "#{shared_path}/maintenance/.htaccess" f.close end end desc 'fills in the executed_migrations on first deploy' task :first_deploy do # Put all items in the migrations folder in the executed_migrations file # When doing a deploy:setup, we expect the database to already contain # The migrations (so a clean copy of the database should be available # when doing a setup) folders = capture("if [ -e #{release_path}/migrations ]; then ls -1 #{release_path}/migrations; fi").split(/\r?\n/) folders.each do |dirname| run "echo #{dirname} | tee -a #{shared_path}/executed_migrations" end end desc 'runs the migrations' task :execute do # If the current symlink doesn't exist yet, we're on a first deploy currentDirectoryExists = capture("if [ ! -e #{current_path} ]; then echo 'yes'; fi").chomp if currentDirectoryExists == 'yes' migrations.first_deploy end # Check if there are new migrations found folders = capture("if [ -e #{release_path}/migrations ]; then ls -1 #{release_path}/migrations; fi").split(/\r?\n/) if folders.length > 0 executedMigrations = capture("cat #{shared_path}/executed_migrations").chomp.split(/\r?\n/) migrationsToExecute = # Fetch all migration directories that aren't executed yet folders.each do |dirname| migrationsToExecute.push(dirname) if executedMigrations.index(dirname) == nil end if migrationsToExecute.length > 0 # This can take a while and can go wrong. let's show a maintenance page # and make sure we can put back the database migrations.symlink_maintenance migrations.backup_database on_rollback { migrations.rollback } # run all migrations migrationsToExecute.each do |dirname| migrationpath = "#{release_path}/migrations/#{dirname}" migrationFiles = capture("ls -1 #{migrationpath}").split(/\r?\n/) migrationFiles.each do |filename| run "cd #{release_path}/tools && php install_locale.php -f #{migrationpath}/#{filename} -o" if filename.index('locale.xml') != nil run "cd #{release_path} && php #{migrationpath}/#{filename}" if filename.index('update.php') != nil if filename.index('update.sql') != nil set :mysql_update_file, "#{migrationpath}/#{filename}" migrations.mysql_update end end end # all migrations where executed successfully, put them in the # executed_migrations file migrationsToExecute.each do |dirname| run "echo #{dirname} | tee -a #{shared_path}/executed_migrations" end # symlink the root back migrations.symlink_root end end end desc 'shows a maintenance page' task :symlink_maintenance do run "rm -rf #{document_root} && ln -sf #{shared_path}/maintenance #{document_root}" end desc 'Symlink back the document root with the current deployed version.' task :symlink_root do run "rm -rf #{document_root} && ln -sf #{current_path} #{document_root}" end desc 'backs up the database' task :backup_database do parametersContent = capture "cat #{shared_path}/config/parameters.yml" yaml = YAML::load(parametersContent.gsub("%", "")) run "mysqldump --skip-lock-tables --default-character-set='utf8' --host=#{yaml['parameters']['']} --port=#{yaml['parameters']['database.port']} --user=#{yaml['parameters']['database.user']} --password=#{yaml['parameters']['database.password']} #{yaml['parameters']['']} > #{release_path}/mysql_backup.sql" end desc 'puts back the database' task :rollback do set :mysql_update_file, #{release_path}/mysql_backup.sql migrations.mysql_update migrations.symlink_root end desc 'updates mysql with a certain (sql) file' task :mysql_update do parametersContent = capture "cat #{shared_path}/config/parameters.yml" yaml = YAML::load(parametersContent.gsub("%", "")) run "mysql --default-character-set='utf8' --host=#{yaml['parameters']['']} --port=#{yaml['parameters']['database.port']} --user=#{yaml['parameters']['database.user']} --password=#{yaml['parameters']['database.password']} #{yaml['parameters']['']} < #{mysql_update_file}" end end namespace :opcode do desc "Clears the opcode cache" task :clear do run "touch #{document_root}/php-opcache-reset.php" # clearstatcache(true) will clear the file stats cache and the realpath cache # opache_reset will clear the opcache if this is available run "echo \" #{document_root}/php-opcache-reset.php" run %{ curl #{url}/php-opcache-reset.php } run "rm #{document_root}/php-opcache-reset.php" end end end