require 'spec_helper' describe VCR::Cassette do def http_interaction request = response = response.status =, response).tap { |i| yield i if block_given? } end def stub_old_interactions(interactions) VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = "#{VCR::SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/cassette_spec" hashes = allow(VCR.cassette_serializers[:yaml]).to receive(:deserialize).and_return({ 'http_interactions' => hashes }) allow(VCR::HTTPInteraction).to receive(:from_hash) do |hash| interactions[hashes.index(hash)] end end describe '#file' do it 'delegates the file resolution to the FileSystem persister' do fs = VCR::Cassette::Persisters::FileSystem expect(fs).to respond_to(:absolute_path_to_file).with(1).argument expect(fs).to receive(:absolute_path_to_file).with("cassette name.yml") { "f.yml" } expect("cassette name").file).to eq("f.yml") end it 'raises a NotImplementedError when a different persister is used' do VCR.cassette_persisters[:a] = double cassette ="f", :persist_with => :a) expect { cassette.file }.to raise_error(NotImplementedError) end end describe '#tags' do it 'returns a blank array if no tag has been set' do expect("name").tags).to eq([]) end it 'converts a single :tag to an array' do expect("name", :tag => :foo).tags).to eq([:foo]) end it 'accepts an array as the :tags option' do expect("name", :tags => [:foo]).tags).to eq([:foo]) end end describe '#record_http_interaction' do let(:the_interaction) { double(:request => double(:method => :get).as_null_object).as_null_object } it 'adds the interaction to #new_recorded_interactions' do cassette = expect(cassette.new_recorded_interactions).to eq([]) cassette.record_http_interaction(the_interaction) expect(cassette.new_recorded_interactions).to eq([the_interaction]) end end describe "#serializable_hash" do subject {"foo") } let(:interaction_1) { http_interaction { |i| i.request.body = 'req body 1'; i.response.body = 'res body 1' } } let(:interaction_2) { http_interaction { |i| i.request.body = 'req body 2'; i.response.body = 'res body 2' } } let(:interactions) { [interaction_1, interaction_2] } before(:each) do interactions.each do |i| subject.record_http_interaction(i) end end let(:metadata) { subject.serializable_hash.reject { |k,v| k == "http_interactions" } } it 'includes the hash form of all recorded interactions' do hash_1 = interaction_1.to_hash hash_2 = interaction_2.to_hash expect(subject.serializable_hash).to include('http_interactions' => [hash_1, hash_2]) end it 'includes additional metadata about the cassette' do expect(metadata).to eq("recorded_with" => "VCR #{VCR.version}") end it 'does not allow the interactions to be mutated by configured hooks' do VCR.configure do |c| c.define_cassette_placeholder('') { 'body' } end expect { subject.serializable_hash }.not_to change { interaction_1.response.body } end end describe "#recording?" do [:all, :new_episodes].each do |mode| it "returns true when the record mode is :#{mode}" do cassette ="foo", :record => mode) expect(cassette).to be_recording end end it "returns false when the record mode is :none" do cassette ="foo", :record => :none) expect(cassette).not_to be_recording end context 'when the record mode is :once' do before(:each) do VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = "#{VCR::SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/cassette_spec" end it 'returns false when there is an existing cassette file with content' do cassette ="example", :record => :once) expect(::File).to exist(cassette.file) expect(::File.size?(cassette.file)).to be_truthy expect(cassette).not_to be_recording end it 'returns true when there is an empty existing cassette file' do cassette ="empty", :record => :once) expect(::File).to exist(cassette.file) expect(::File.size?(cassette.file)).to be_falsey expect(cassette).to be_recording end it 'returns true when there is no existing cassette file' do cassette ="non_existant_file", :record => :once) expect(::File).not_to exist(cassette.file) expect(cassette).to be_recording end end end describe '#match_requests_on' do before(:each) { VCR.configuration.default_cassette_options.merge!(:match_requests_on => [:uri, :method]) } it "returns the provided options" do c ='example', :match_requests_on => [:uri]) expect(c.match_requests_on).to eq([:uri]) end it "returns a the default #match_requests_on when it has not been specified for the cassette" do c ='example') expect(c.match_requests_on).to eq([:uri, :method]) end end describe "reading the file from disk" do let(:empty_cassette_yaml) { YAML.dump("http_interactions" => []) } it 'optionally renders the file as ERB using the ERBRenderer' do allow(VCR::Cassette::Persisters::FileSystem).to receive(:[]).and_return(empty_cassette_yaml) expect(VCR::Cassette::ERBRenderer).to receive(:new).with( empty_cassette_yaml, anything, "foo" ).and_return(double('renderer', :render => empty_cassette_yaml))'foo', :record => :new_episodes).http_interactions end [true, false, nil, { }].each do |erb| it "passes #{erb.inspect} to the VCR::Cassette::ERBRenderer when given as the :erb option" do # test that it overrides the default VCR.configuration.default_cassette_options = { :erb => true } expect(VCR::Cassette::ERBRenderer).to receive(:new).with( anything, erb, anything ).and_return(double('renderer', :render => empty_cassette_yaml))'foo', :record => :new_episodes, :erb => erb).http_interactions end it "passes #{erb.inspect} to the VCR::Cassette::ERBRenderer when it is the default :erb option and none is given" do VCR.configuration.default_cassette_options = { :erb => erb } expect(VCR::Cassette::ERBRenderer).to receive(:new).with( anything, erb, anything ).and_return(double('renderer', :render => empty_cassette_yaml))'foo', :record => :new_episodes).http_interactions end end it 'raises a friendly error when the cassette file is in the old VCR 1.x format' do VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = 'spec/fixtures/cassette_spec' expect {'1_x_cassette').http_interactions }.to raise_error(VCR::Errors::InvalidCassetteFormatError) end end describe '.new' do it "raises an error if given an invalid record mode" do expect {, :record => :not_a_record_mode) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raises an error if given invalid options' do expect {, :invalid => :option) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'does not raise an error in the case of an empty file' do VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = "#{VCR::SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/cassette_spec" expect('empty', :record => :none).send(:previously_recorded_interactions)).to eq([]) end let(:custom_persister) { double("custom persister") } it 'reads from the configured persister' do VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = nil VCR.cassette_persisters[:foo] = custom_persister expect(custom_persister).to receive(:[]).with("abc.yml") { "" }"abc", :persist_with => :foo).http_interactions end VCR::Cassette::VALID_RECORD_MODES.each do |record_mode| stub_requests = (record_mode != :all) context "when VCR.configuration.default_cassette_options[:record] is :#{record_mode}" do before(:each) { VCR.configuration.default_cassette_options = { :record => record_mode } } it "defaults the record mode to #{record_mode} when VCR.configuration.default_cassette_options[:record] is #{record_mode}" do cassette = expect(cassette.record_mode).to eq(record_mode) end end context "when :#{record_mode} is passed as the record option" do unless record_mode == :all let(:interaction_1) { http_interaction { |i| i.request.uri = '' } } let(:interaction_2) { http_interaction { |i| i.request.uri = '' } } let(:interactions) { [interaction_1, interaction_2] } it 'updates the content_length headers when given :update_content_length_header => true' do stub_old_interactions(interactions) expect(interaction_1.response).to receive(:update_content_length_header) expect(interaction_2.response).to receive(:update_content_length_header)'example', :record => record_mode, :update_content_length_header => true).http_interactions end [nil, false].each do |val| it "does not update the content_lenth headers when given :update_content_length_header => #{val.inspect}" do stub_old_interactions(interactions) expect(interaction_1.response).not_to receive(:update_content_length_header) expect(interaction_2.response).not_to receive(:update_content_length_header)'example', :record => record_mode, :update_content_length_header => val).http_interactions end end context "and re_record_interval is 7.days" do let(:file_name) { ::File.join(VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir, "cassette_name.yml") } subject {'.yml', ''), :record => record_mode, :re_record_interval => 7.days) } context 'when the cassette file does not exist' do before(:each) { allow(::File).to receive(:exist?).with(file_name).and_return(false) } it "has :#{record_mode} for the record mode" do expect(subject.record_mode).to eq(record_mode) end end context 'when the cassette file does exist' do before(:each) do interactions = do |ts| http_interaction { |i| i.recorded_at = ts }.to_hash end yaml = YAML.dump("http_interactions" => interactions) allow(::File).to receive(:exist?).with(file_name).and_return(true) allow(::File).to receive(:size?).with(file_name).and_return(true) allow(::File).to receive(:binread).with(file_name).and_return(yaml) end context 'and the earliest recorded interaction was recorded less than 7 days ago' do let(:timestamps) do [ - 6.days + 60, - 7.days + 60, - 5.days + 60 ] end it "has :#{record_mode} for the record mode" do expect(subject.record_mode).to eq(record_mode) end end context 'and the earliest recorded interaction was recorded more than 7 days ago' do let(:timestamps) do [ - 6.days - 60, - 7.days - 60, - 5.days - 60 ] end it "has :all for the record mode when there is an internet connection available" do allow(VCR::InternetConnection).to receive(:available?).and_return(true) expect(subject.record_mode).to eq(:all) end it "has :#{record_mode} for the record mode when there is no internet connection available" do allow(VCR::InternetConnection).to receive(:available?).and_return(false) expect(subject.record_mode).to eq(record_mode) end end end end end it 'does not load ignored interactions' do allow(VCR.request_ignorer).to receive(:ignore?) do |request| request.uri !~ /example\.com/ end VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = "#{VCR::SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/cassette_spec" cassette ='with_localhost_requests', :record => record_mode) expect(cassette.send(:previously_recorded_interactions).map { |i| URI.parse(i.request.uri).host }).to eq(%w[]) end it "loads the recorded interactions from the library yml file" do VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = "#{VCR::SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/cassette_spec" cassette ='example', :record => record_mode) expect(cassette.send(:previously_recorded_interactions).size).to eq(3) i1, i2, i3 = *cassette.send(:previously_recorded_interactions) expect(i1.request.method).to eq(:get) expect(i1.request.uri).to eq('') expect(i1.response.body).to match(/You have reached this web page by typing.+example\.com/) expect(i2.request.method).to eq(:get) expect(i2.request.uri).to eq('') expect(i2.response.body).to match(/foo was not found on this server/) expect(i3.request.method).to eq(:get) expect(i3.request.uri).to eq('') expect(i3.response.body).to match(/Another example\.com response/) end [true, false].each do |value| it "instantiates the http_interactions with allow_playback_repeats = #{value} if given :allow_playback_repeats => #{value}" do VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = "#{VCR::SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/cassette_spec" cassette ='example', :record => record_mode, :allow_playback_repeats => value) expect(cassette.http_interactions.allow_playback_repeats).to eq(value) end end it "instantiates the http_interactions with parent_list set to a null list if given :exclusive => true" do allow(VCR).to receive(:http_interactions).and_return(double) VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = "#{VCR::SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/cassette_spec" cassette ='example', :record => record_mode, :exclusive => true) expect(cassette.http_interactions.parent_list).to be(VCR::Cassette::HTTPInteractionList::NullList) end it "instantiates the http_interactions with parent_list set to VCR.http_interactions if given :exclusive => false" do allow(VCR).to receive(:http_interactions).and_return(double) VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = "#{VCR::SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/cassette_spec" cassette ='example', :record => record_mode, :exclusive => false) expect(cassette.http_interactions.parent_list).to be(VCR.http_interactions) end if stub_requests it 'invokes the before_playback hooks' do VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = "#{VCR::SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/cassette_spec" expect(VCR.configuration).to receive(:invoke_hook).with( :before_playback, an_instance_of(VCR::HTTPInteraction::HookAware), an_instance_of(VCR::Cassette) ).exactly(3).times cassette ='example', :record => record_mode) expect(cassette.send(:previously_recorded_interactions).size).to eq(3) end it 'does not playback any interactions that are ignored in a before_playback hook' do VCR.configure do |c| c.before_playback { |i| i.ignore! if i.request.uri =~ /foo/ } end VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = "#{VCR::SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/cassette_spec" cassette ='example', :record => record_mode) expect(cassette.send(:previously_recorded_interactions).size).to eq(2) end it 'instantiates the http_interactions with the loaded interactions and the request matchers' do VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = "#{VCR::SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/cassette_spec" cassette ='example', :record => record_mode, :match_requests_on => [:body, :headers]) expect(cassette.http_interactions.interactions.size).to eq(3) expect(cassette.http_interactions.request_matchers).to eq([:body, :headers]) end else it 'instantiates the http_interactions with the no interactions and the request matchers' do VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = "#{VCR::SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/cassette_spec" cassette ='example', :record => record_mode, :match_requests_on => [:body, :headers]) expect(cassette.http_interactions.interactions.size).to eq(0) expect(cassette.http_interactions.request_matchers).to eq([:body, :headers]) end end end end end describe ".originally_recorded_at" do it 'returns the earliest `recorded_at` timestamp' do i1 = http_interaction { |i| i.recorded_at = - 1000 } i2 = http_interaction { |i| i.recorded_at = - 10000 } i3 = http_interaction { |i| i.recorded_at = - 100 } stub_old_interactions([i1, i2, i3]) cassette ="example") expect(cassette.originally_recorded_at).to eq(i2.recorded_at) end it 'records nil for a cassette that has no prior recorded interactions' do stub_old_interactions([]) cassette ="example") expect(cassette.originally_recorded_at).to be_nil end end describe '#eject' do let(:custom_persister) { double("custom persister", :[] => nil) } context "when :allow_unused_http_interactions is set to false" do it 'asserts that there are no unused interactions' do cassette = VCR.insert_cassette("foo", :allow_unused_http_interactions => false) interaction_list = cassette.http_interactions expect(interaction_list).to respond_to(:assert_no_unused_interactions!).with(0).arguments expect(interaction_list).to receive(:assert_no_unused_interactions!) cassette.eject end it 'does not assert no unused interactions if there is an existing error' do cassette = VCR.insert_cassette("foo", :allow_unused_http_interactions => false) interaction_list = cassette.http_interactions allow(interaction_list).to receive(:assert_no_unused_interactions!) expect { begin raise "boom" ensure cassette.eject end }.to raise_error(/boom/) expect(interaction_list).not_to have_received(:assert_no_unused_interactions!) end it 'does not assert no unused interactions if :skip_no_unused_interactions_assertion is passed' do cassette = VCR.insert_cassette("foo", :allow_unused_http_interactions => false) interaction_list = cassette.http_interactions expect(interaction_list).not_to receive(:assert_no_unused_interactions!) cassette.eject(:skip_no_unused_interactions_assertion => true) end end it 'does not assert that there are no unused interactions if allow_unused_http_interactions is set to true' do cassette = VCR.insert_cassette("foo", :allow_unused_http_interactions => true) interaction_list = cassette.http_interactions expect(interaction_list).to respond_to(:assert_no_unused_interactions!) expect(interaction_list).not_to receive(:assert_no_unused_interactions!) cassette.eject end it 'stores the cassette content using the configured persister' do VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir = nil VCR.cassette_persisters[:foo] = custom_persister cassette = VCR.insert_cassette("foo", :persist_with => :foo) cassette.record_http_interaction http_interaction expect(custom_persister).to receive(:[]=).with("foo.yml", /http_interactions/) cassette.eject end it "writes the serializable_hash to disk as yaml" do cassette = cassette.record_http_interaction http_interaction # so it has one expect(cassette).to respond_to(:serializable_hash) allow(cassette).to receive(:serializable_hash).and_return({ "http_interactions" => [1, 3, 5] }) expect { cassette.eject }.to change { ::File.exist?(cassette.file) }.from(false).to(true) saved_stuff = YAML.load_file(cassette.file) expect(saved_stuff).to eq("http_interactions" => [1, 3, 5]) end it 'invokes the appropriately tagged before_record hooks' do interactions = [ http_interaction { |i| i.request.uri = ''; i.response.body = 'res 1' }, http_interaction { |i| i.request.uri = ''; i.response.body = 'res 2' } ] cassette ='example', :tag => :foo) allow(cassette).to receive(:new_recorded_interactions).and_return(interactions) allow(VCR.configuration).to receive(:invoke_hook).and_return([false]) interactions.each do |i| expect(VCR.configuration).to receive(:invoke_hook).with( :before_record, an_instance_of(VCR::HTTPInteraction::HookAware), cassette ).ordered end cassette.eject end it 'does not record interactions that have been ignored' do VCR.configure do |c| c.before_record { |i| i.ignore! if i.request.uri =~ /foo/ } end interaction_1 = http_interaction { |i| i.request.uri = ''; i.response.body = 'res 1' } interaction_2 = http_interaction { |i| i.request.uri = ''; i.response.body = 'res 2' } cassette ='test_cassette') allow(cassette).to receive(:new_recorded_interactions).and_return([interaction_1, interaction_2]) cassette.eject saved_recorded_interactions = ::YAML.load_file(cassette.file) expect(saved_recorded_interactions["http_interactions"]).to eq([interaction_2.to_hash]) end it 'does not write the cassette to disk if all interactions have been ignored' do VCR.configure do |c| c.before_record { |i| i.ignore! } end interaction_1 = http_interaction { |i| i.request.uri = ''; i.response.body = 'res 1' } cassette ='test_cassette') allow(cassette).to receive(:new_recorded_interactions).and_return([interaction_1]) cassette.eject expect(::File).not_to exist(cassette.file) end it "writes the recorded interactions to a subdirectory if the cassette name includes a directory" do recorded_interactions = [http_interaction { |i| i.response.body = "subdirectory response" }] cassette ='subdirectory/test_cassette') allow(cassette).to receive(:new_recorded_interactions).and_return(recorded_interactions) expect { cassette.eject }.to change { ::File.exist?(cassette.file) }.from(false).to(true) saved_recorded_interactions = YAML.load_file(cassette.file) expect(saved_recorded_interactions["http_interactions"]).to eq( end [:all, :none, :new_episodes].each do |record_mode| context "for a :record => :#{record_mode} cassette with previously recorded interactions" do subject {'example', :record => record_mode, :match_requests_on => [:uri]) } before(:each) do base_dir = "#{VCR::SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/cassette_spec" FileUtils.cp(base_dir + "/example.yml", VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir + "/example.yml") end it "does not re-write to disk the previously recorded interactions if there are no new ones" do yaml_file = subject.file expect(::File).not_to receive(:open).with(subject.file, 'w') expect { subject.eject }.to_not change { ::File.mtime(yaml_file) } end context 'when some new interactions have been recorded' do def interaction(response_body, request_attributes) http_interaction do |interaction| interaction.response.body = response_body request_attributes.each do |key, value| interaction.request.send("#{key}=", value) end end end let(:interaction_foo_1) { interaction("foo 1", :uri => '') } let(:interaction_foo_2) { interaction("foo 2", :uri => '') } let(:interaction_bar) { interaction("bar", :uri => '') } let(:saved_recorded_interactions) { YAML.load_file(subject.file)['http_interactions'].map { |h| VCR::HTTPInteraction.from_hash(h) } } let(:now) { Time.utc(2011, 6, 11, 12, 30) } before(:each) do allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(now) allow(subject).to receive(:previously_recorded_interactions).and_return([interaction_foo_1]) subject.record_http_interaction(interaction_foo_2) subject.record_http_interaction(interaction_bar) subject.eject end if record_mode == :all it 'replaces previously recorded interactions with new ones when the requests match' do expect(saved_recorded_interactions.first).to eq(interaction_foo_2) expect(saved_recorded_interactions).not_to include(interaction_foo_1) end it 'appends new recorded interactions that do not match existing ones' do expect(saved_recorded_interactions.last).to eq(interaction_bar) end else it 'appends new recorded interactions after existing ones' do expect(saved_recorded_interactions).to eq([interaction_foo_1, interaction_foo_2, interaction_bar]) end end end end end end end