class Shoes shoes_icon = File.expand_path("../../../static/shoes-icon.png", __FILE__) if shoes_icon.include? '.jar!' SHOES_ICON = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'shoes-icon.png').freeze open SHOES_ICON, 'wb' do |fw| open shoes_icon, 'rb' do |fr| fw.write end end else SHOES_ICON = shoes_icon.freeze end # Instantiates a new Shoes app. # # @param opts [Hash] A hash of options used instantiate the Shoes::App object with. # @param blk [Proc] The block containing the DSL instructions for the actual app. # # @example # "Chunky") do # para "Bacon is awesome!" # end # # @return A new instance of Shoes::App # # @see Shoes::App#initialize def{}, &blk), &blk) end # This is the user-facing App object. It is `self` inside of a # block, and is the context in which a Shoes app is evaled. It delegates most # of its functionality to an InternalApp object, which interacts with other # Shoes objects. There should be no unnecessary instance variables or methods # in this class, so users are free to use whatever names they choose for # their own code. class App include DSL include BuiltinMethods # Instantiates a new Shoes app. # # @param opts [Hash] The options to initialize the app with. # @param blk [Proc] The block containing the DSL instructions to be executed within the app. # # @option opts [String] :title ("Shoes 4") The title of the window # @option opts [Boolean] :resizable (true) Whether the window is resizable # @option opts [Boolean] :fullscreen (false) Whether the app should start in fullscreen # @option opts [Fixnum] :width (600) The width of the app window # @option opts [Fixnum] :height (500) The height of the app window # # @see Dimension#initialize def initialize(opts={}, &blk) @__app__ =, opts, &blk) @__app__.setup_gui Shoes.register self @__app__.open_gui end # Shoes 3 exposes the app object like this, so we keep it for # compatibility def app self end def window(options={}, &block) options.merge! owner: self, &block) end def close quit end def quit Shoes.unregister self @__app__.quit end def to_s 'Shoes App: ' + @__app__.app_title end %w( width height owner started? location left top absolute_left absolute_top rotate click release clear fullscreen fullscreen= contents ).each do |method| define_method method do |*args, &block| @__app__.public_send method, *args, &block end end alias_method :fullscreen?, :fullscreen # inspect normally recursively inspects the values of all instance # variables... as the app has a reference to EVERYTHING this turns # out to be quite a lot/so much that the app runs out of memory #504 def inspect "#<#{self.class}:0x#{hash.to_s(16)} @__app__=So much stuff literally breaks the memory limit. Look at it selectively.>" end DELEGATE_BLACKLIST = [:parent] # class definitions are evaluated top to bottom, want to have all of them # so define at bottom DELEGATE_METHODS = ((Shoes::App.public_instance_methods(false) + Shoes::DSL.public_instance_methods) - DELEGATE_BLACKLIST).freeze end # This is the representation of the app that is used internally by Shoes # objects. It is *NOT* the app object that a user interacts with in a # block. The user facing App object is...the App object. # # The InternalApp object is responsible for maintaining the state of the App # and providing the bulk of the functionality, leaving the App a relatively # blank slate for users to bend to their will. class InternalApp include Common::Style include Common::Clickable include DimensionsDelegations DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :width => 600, :height => 500, :title => "Shoes 4", :resizable => true, :background => Shoes::COLORS.fetch(:shoes_background) }.freeze def initialize(app, opts, &blk) @app = app @blk = blk set_attributes_from_options(opts) set_initial_attributes end def setup_gui @gui = self execution_blk = create_execution_block(blk) eval_block execution_blk add_console end attr_reader :gui, :top_slot, :contents, :app, :dimensions, :mouse_motion, :owner, :element_styles, :resize_callbacks attr_accessor :elements, :current_slot, :opts, :blk, :mouse_button, :mouse_pos, :mouse_hover_controls, :resizable, :app_title, :width, :height, :start_as_fullscreen, :location def clear(&blk) top_slot.clear &blk end def width started? ? gui.width : @dimensions.width end def height started? ? gui.height : @dimensions.height end def font(path = Shoes::DEFAULT_TEXTBLOCK_FONT) app.font path end def started? gui && gui.started? end def rotate angle=nil @rotate = angle || @rotate || 0 end def add_child(child) if top_slot top_slot.add_child child else contents << child end end def default_styles { :stroke => Shoes::COLORS[:black], :strokewidth => 1 } end def in_bounds?(x, y) true end def fullscreen=(state) gui.fullscreen = state end def fullscreen gui.fullscreen end alias_method :start_as_fullscreen?, :start_as_fullscreen def add_mouse_hover_control(element) unless mouse_hover_controls.include? element mouse_hover_controls << element end end def open_gui end def quit @gui.quit end def scroll_top gui.scroll_top end def scroll_top=(n) gui.scroll_top = n end def clipboard gui.clipboard end def clipboard=(str) gui.clipboard = str end def download(url, opts, &block) url, opts, &block end def textcursor(line_height) app.line(0, 0, 0, line_height, hidden: true, strokewidth: 1, stroke: ::Shoes::COLORS[:black]) end def execute_block(blk) app.instance_eval &blk end def gutter gui.gutter end def add_resize_callback(blk) @resize_callbacks << blk end private def eval_block(execution_blk) # creating it first, then appending is important because that way # top_slot already exists and methods may be called on it @top_slot = self, self, width: width, height: height @top_slot.append &execution_blk end def create_execution_block(blk) if blk execution_blk = do execute_block blk end elsif Shoes::URL.urls.keys.any? { |page| page.match '/' } execution_blk = do app.visit '/' end else execution_blk = nil end execution_blk end def set_initial_attributes @style = default_styles @element_styles = {} @contents = [] @mouse_motion = [] @mouse_button = 0 @mouse_pos = [0, 0] @mouse_hover_controls = [] @resize_callbacks = [] @rotate = 0 end def set_attributes_from_options(opts) opts = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(opts) @app_title = opts[:title] @resizable = opts[:resizable] @start_as_fullscreen = opts[:fullscreen] @opts = opts @owner = opts[:owner] @dimensions = opts self.absolute_left = 0 self.absolute_top = 0 end def add_console console = do keypress do |key| ::Shoes::Logger.setup if key == :"alt_/" end end @app.instance_eval &console end def inspect "#<#{self.class}:0x#{hash.to_s(16)} @app_title=#{@app_title} @dimensions=#{@dimensions.inspect} and a lot of stuff that's too much too handle... and leads to OutOfMemoryErrors>" end end end