/* * Copyright (c) 2007-2014, Lloyd Hilaiel <me@lloyd.io> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "api/yajl_parse.h" #include "yajl_lex.h" #include "yajl_parser.h" #include "yajl_encode.h" #include "yajl_bytestack.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <assert.h> #include <math.h> #define MAX_VALUE_TO_MULTIPLY ((LLONG_MAX / 10) + (LLONG_MAX % 10)) /* same semantics as strtol */ long long yajl_parse_integer(const unsigned char *number, unsigned int length) { long long ret = 0; long sign = 1; const unsigned char *pos = number; if (*pos == '-') { pos++; sign = -1; } if (*pos == '+') { pos++; } while (pos < number + length) { if ( ret > MAX_VALUE_TO_MULTIPLY ) { errno = ERANGE; return sign == 1 ? LLONG_MAX : LLONG_MIN; } ret *= 10; if (LLONG_MAX - ret < (*pos - '0')) { errno = ERANGE; return sign == 1 ? LLONG_MAX : LLONG_MIN; } if (*pos < '0' || *pos > '9') { errno = ERANGE; return sign == 1 ? LLONG_MAX : LLONG_MIN; } ret += (*pos++ - '0'); } return sign * ret; } unsigned char * yajl_render_error_string(yajl_handle hand, const unsigned char * jsonText, size_t jsonTextLen, int verbose) { size_t offset = hand->bytesConsumed; unsigned char * str; const char * errorType = NULL; const char * errorText = NULL; char text[72]; const char * arrow = " (right here) ------^\n"; if (yajl_bs_current(hand->stateStack) == yajl_state_parse_error) { errorType = "parse"; errorText = hand->parseError; } else if (yajl_bs_current(hand->stateStack) == yajl_state_lexical_error) { errorType = "lexical"; errorText = yajl_lex_error_to_string(yajl_lex_get_error(hand->lexer)); } else { errorType = "unknown"; } { size_t memneeded = 0; memneeded += strlen(errorType); memneeded += strlen(" error"); if (errorText != NULL) { memneeded += strlen(": "); memneeded += strlen(errorText); } str = (unsigned char *) YA_MALLOC(&(hand->alloc), memneeded + 2); if (!str) return NULL; str[0] = 0; strcat((char *) str, errorType); strcat((char *) str, " error"); if (errorText != NULL) { strcat((char *) str, ": "); strcat((char *) str, errorText); } strcat((char *) str, "\n"); } /* now we append as many spaces as needed to make sure the error * falls at char 41, if verbose was specified */ if (verbose) { size_t start, end, i; size_t spacesNeeded; spacesNeeded = (offset < 30 ? 40 - offset : 10); start = (offset >= 30 ? offset - 30 : 0); end = (offset + 30 > jsonTextLen ? jsonTextLen : offset + 30); for (i=0;i<spacesNeeded;i++) text[i] = ' '; for (;start < end;start++, i++) { if (jsonText[start] != '\n' && jsonText[start] != '\r') { text[i] = jsonText[start]; } else { text[i] = ' '; } } assert(i <= 71); text[i++] = '\n'; text[i] = 0; { char * newStr = (char *) YA_MALLOC(&(hand->alloc), (unsigned int)(strlen((char *) str) + strlen((char *) text) + strlen(arrow) + 1)); if (newStr) { newStr[0] = 0; strcat((char *) newStr, (char *) str); strcat((char *) newStr, text); strcat((char *) newStr, arrow); } YA_FREE(&(hand->alloc), str); str = (unsigned char *) newStr; } } return str; } /* check for client cancelation */ #define _CC_CHK(x) \ if (!(x)) { \ yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_parse_error); \ hand->parseError = \ "client cancelled parse via callback return value"; \ return yajl_status_client_canceled; \ } yajl_status yajl_do_finish(yajl_handle hand) { yajl_status stat; stat = yajl_do_parse(hand,(const unsigned char *) " ",1); if (stat != yajl_status_ok) return stat; switch(yajl_bs_current(hand->stateStack)) { case yajl_state_parse_error: case yajl_state_lexical_error: return yajl_status_error; case yajl_state_got_value: case yajl_state_parse_complete: return yajl_status_ok; default: if (!(hand->flags & yajl_allow_partial_values)) { yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_parse_error); hand->parseError = "premature EOF"; return yajl_status_error; } return yajl_status_ok; } } yajl_status yajl_do_parse(yajl_handle hand, const unsigned char * jsonText, size_t jsonTextLen) { yajl_tok tok; const unsigned char * buf; size_t bufLen; size_t * offset = &(hand->bytesConsumed); *offset = 0; around_again: switch (yajl_bs_current(hand->stateStack)) { case yajl_state_parse_complete: if (hand->flags & yajl_allow_multiple_values) { yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_got_value); goto around_again; } if (!(hand->flags & yajl_allow_trailing_garbage)) { if (*offset != jsonTextLen) { tok = yajl_lex_lex(hand->lexer, jsonText, jsonTextLen, offset, &buf, &bufLen); if (tok != yajl_tok_eof) { yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_parse_error); hand->parseError = "trailing garbage"; } goto around_again; } } return yajl_status_ok; case yajl_state_lexical_error: case yajl_state_parse_error: return yajl_status_error; case yajl_state_start: case yajl_state_got_value: case yajl_state_map_need_val: case yajl_state_array_need_val: case yajl_state_array_start: { /* for arrays and maps, we advance the state for this * depth, then push the state of the next depth. * If an error occurs during the parsing of the nesting * enitity, the state at this level will not matter. * a state that needs pushing will be anything other * than state_start */ yajl_state stateToPush = yajl_state_start; tok = yajl_lex_lex(hand->lexer, jsonText, jsonTextLen, offset, &buf, &bufLen); switch (tok) { case yajl_tok_eof: return yajl_status_ok; case yajl_tok_error: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_lexical_error); goto around_again; case yajl_tok_string: if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_string) { _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_string(hand->ctx, buf, bufLen)); } break; case yajl_tok_string_with_escapes: if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_string) { yajl_buf_clear(hand->decodeBuf); yajl_string_decode(hand->decodeBuf, buf, bufLen); _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_string( hand->ctx, yajl_buf_data(hand->decodeBuf), yajl_buf_len(hand->decodeBuf))); } break; case yajl_tok_bool: if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_boolean) { _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_boolean(hand->ctx, *buf == 't')); } break; case yajl_tok_null: if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_null) { _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_null(hand->ctx)); } break; case yajl_tok_left_bracket: if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_start_map) { _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_start_map(hand->ctx)); } stateToPush = yajl_state_map_start; break; case yajl_tok_left_brace: if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_start_array) { _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_start_array(hand->ctx)); } stateToPush = yajl_state_array_start; break; case yajl_tok_integer: if (hand->callbacks) { if (hand->callbacks->yajl_number) { _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_number( hand->ctx,(const char *) buf, bufLen)); } else if (hand->callbacks->yajl_integer) { long long int i = 0; errno = 0; i = yajl_parse_integer(buf, bufLen); if ((i == LLONG_MIN || i == LLONG_MAX) && errno == ERANGE) { yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_parse_error); hand->parseError = "integer overflow" ; /* try to restore error offset */ if (*offset >= bufLen) *offset -= bufLen; else *offset = 0; goto around_again; } _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_integer(hand->ctx, i)); } } break; case yajl_tok_double: if (hand->callbacks) { if (hand->callbacks->yajl_number) { _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_number( hand->ctx, (const char *) buf, bufLen)); } else if (hand->callbacks->yajl_double) { double d = 0.0; yajl_buf_clear(hand->decodeBuf); yajl_buf_append(hand->decodeBuf, buf, bufLen); buf = yajl_buf_data(hand->decodeBuf); errno = 0; d = strtod((char *) buf, NULL); if ((d == HUGE_VAL || d == -HUGE_VAL) && errno == ERANGE) { yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_parse_error); hand->parseError = "numeric (floating point) " "overflow"; /* try to restore error offset */ if (*offset >= bufLen) *offset -= bufLen; else *offset = 0; goto around_again; } _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_double(hand->ctx, d)); } } break; case yajl_tok_right_brace: { if (yajl_bs_current(hand->stateStack) == yajl_state_array_start) { if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_end_array) { _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_end_array(hand->ctx)); } yajl_bs_pop(hand->stateStack); goto around_again; } /* intentional fall-through */ } case yajl_tok_colon: case yajl_tok_comma: case yajl_tok_right_bracket: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_parse_error); hand->parseError = "unallowed token at this point in JSON text"; goto around_again; default: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_parse_error); hand->parseError = "invalid token, internal error"; goto around_again; } /* got a value. transition depends on the state we're in. */ { yajl_state s = yajl_bs_current(hand->stateStack); if (s == yajl_state_start || s == yajl_state_got_value) { yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_parse_complete); } else if (s == yajl_state_map_need_val) { yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_map_got_val); } else { yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_array_got_val); } } if (stateToPush != yajl_state_start) { yajl_bs_push(hand->stateStack, stateToPush); } goto around_again; } case yajl_state_map_start: case yajl_state_map_need_key: { /* only difference between these two states is that in * start '}' is valid, whereas in need_key, we've parsed * a comma, and a string key _must_ follow */ tok = yajl_lex_lex(hand->lexer, jsonText, jsonTextLen, offset, &buf, &bufLen); switch (tok) { case yajl_tok_eof: return yajl_status_ok; case yajl_tok_error: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_lexical_error); goto around_again; case yajl_tok_string_with_escapes: if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_map_key) { yajl_buf_clear(hand->decodeBuf); yajl_string_decode(hand->decodeBuf, buf, bufLen); buf = yajl_buf_data(hand->decodeBuf); bufLen = yajl_buf_len(hand->decodeBuf); } /* intentional fall-through */ case yajl_tok_string: if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_map_key) { _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_map_key(hand->ctx, buf, bufLen)); } yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_map_sep); goto around_again; case yajl_tok_right_bracket: if (yajl_bs_current(hand->stateStack) == yajl_state_map_start) { if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_end_map) { _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_end_map(hand->ctx)); } yajl_bs_pop(hand->stateStack); goto around_again; } default: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_parse_error); hand->parseError = "invalid object key (must be a string)"; goto around_again; } } case yajl_state_map_sep: { tok = yajl_lex_lex(hand->lexer, jsonText, jsonTextLen, offset, &buf, &bufLen); switch (tok) { case yajl_tok_colon: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_map_need_val); goto around_again; case yajl_tok_eof: return yajl_status_ok; case yajl_tok_error: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_lexical_error); goto around_again; default: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_parse_error); hand->parseError = "object key and value must " "be separated by a colon (':')"; goto around_again; } } case yajl_state_map_got_val: { tok = yajl_lex_lex(hand->lexer, jsonText, jsonTextLen, offset, &buf, &bufLen); switch (tok) { case yajl_tok_right_bracket: if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_end_map) { _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_end_map(hand->ctx)); } yajl_bs_pop(hand->stateStack); goto around_again; case yajl_tok_comma: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_map_need_key); goto around_again; case yajl_tok_eof: return yajl_status_ok; case yajl_tok_error: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_lexical_error); goto around_again; default: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_parse_error); hand->parseError = "after key and value, inside map, " "I expect ',' or '}'"; /* try to restore error offset */ if (*offset >= bufLen) *offset -= bufLen; else *offset = 0; goto around_again; } } case yajl_state_array_got_val: { tok = yajl_lex_lex(hand->lexer, jsonText, jsonTextLen, offset, &buf, &bufLen); switch (tok) { case yajl_tok_right_brace: if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_end_array) { _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_end_array(hand->ctx)); } yajl_bs_pop(hand->stateStack); goto around_again; case yajl_tok_comma: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_array_need_val); goto around_again; case yajl_tok_eof: return yajl_status_ok; case yajl_tok_error: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_lexical_error); goto around_again; default: yajl_bs_set(hand->stateStack, yajl_state_parse_error); hand->parseError = "after array element, I expect ',' or ']'"; goto around_again; } } } abort(); return yajl_status_error; }