require 'spec_helper' describe QuickbooksWebConnector::Failure do describe '.create' do it 'creates a new failure and saves it' do failure = stub :failure failure.should_receive(:save) described_class.should_receive(:new).with(Exception, { foo: 'bar' }).and_return(failure) described_class.create(exception: Exception, payload: { foo: 'bar' }) end end describe '.requeue' do it 'adds the failure back in as a new job' do described_class.create(exception:'boom'), payload: { 'request_builder_class' => 'SomeBuilder', 'response_handler_class' => 'SomeHandler', 'args' => ['36'] }) described_class.requeue(0) expect(described_class.find(0)['retried_at']).to_not be_nil expect(QuickbooksWebConnector.size).to eq(1) new_job = QuickbooksWebConnector.reserve expect(new_job.request_builder_class).to be(SomeBuilder) expect(new_job.response_handler_class).to be(SomeHandler) expect(new_job.args).to eq(['36']) end end describe '.remove' do it 'removes the failed job from the list' do described_class.create(exception:, payload: {}) expect(described_class.all).to have(1).job described_class.remove(0) expect(described_class.all).to have(0).jobs end end describe '#save' do subject(:failure) {'something went wrong'), { foo: 'bar' }) } it 'stores the failure with some details in redis' do expect(described_class.count).to eq(1) item = described_class.all.first expect(item['failed_at']).to_not be_nil expect(item['payload']).to eq('foo' => 'bar') expect(item['exception']).to eq('Exception') expect(item['error']).to eq('something went wrong') expect(item['backtrace']).to be_an(Array) end end end