h1. New page templates or categories code In some case it might be useful to add a new page that is part of a particular category, or has some default content. e.g. Add a new bug report, or Add a new contact). Bil Kleb has had success in writting this (copied from soks mailing list): Earlier, we had discussed adding various page categories, i.e., templates FWIW, here is what I hacked in to get there: h2. start.rb:
# defined a new type of summary:
class AutomaticCategorySummary
def initialize( wiki, pagename )
plural = pagename.sub(/y$/,'ie') + 's'
AutomaticSummary.new( wiki, {
:regexp_for_title => /#{pagename}:/i,
:lines_to_include => 10,
:reverse_sort => true,
:pagename => "All #{plural}" } )
AutomaticSummary.new( wiki, {
:regexp_for_title => /#{pagename}:/i,
:max_pages_to_show => 1,
:lines_to_include => 10,
:reverse_sort => true,
:pagename => "Latest #{plural}" } )
# added :categories key to the CUSTOMSETTINGS hash:
:categories => [ 'Trip report', 'Contact', 'Phone Call', 'Idea', 'Story', 'Thought' ]
# added to self.start:
CUSTOMSETTINGS[:categories].each do |name|
AutomaticCategorySummary.new( wiki, name )
end if CUSTOMSETTINGS.has_key? :categories
h2. view/frame.rhtml:
# replaced "Add a new .*" section:
Add new:
'>+ Page
<% if $SETTINGS.has_key? :categories %>
<% $SETTINGS[:categories].each do |name| %>
'>+ <%= name %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
'>+ Image
'>+ File
h2. views/Page_edit.rhtml