/* PlotKit Sweet SVG Renderer ========================== SVG Renderer for PlotKit which looks pretty! Copyright --------- Copyright 2005,2006 (c) Alastair Tse For use under the BSD license. */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check required components // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- try { if (typeof(PlotKit.SVGRenderer) == 'undefined') { throw ""; } } catch (e) { throw "SweetSVG depends on MochiKit.{Base,Color,DOM,Format} and PlotKit.{Layout, SVG}" } if (typeof(PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer) == 'undefined') { PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer = {}; } PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer = function(element, layout, options) { if (arguments.length > 0) { this.__init__(element, layout, options); } }; PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.NAME = "PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer"; PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.VERSION = PlotKit.VERSION; PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.__repr__ = function() { return "[" + this.NAME + " " + this.VERSION + "]"; }; PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.toString = function() { return this.__repr__(); }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Subclassing Magic // --------------------------------------------------------------------- PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.prototype = new PlotKit.SVGRenderer(); PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.prototype.constructor = PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer; PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.__super__ = PlotKit.SVGRenderer.prototype; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------- PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.prototype.__init__ = function(element, layout, options) { var moreOpts = PlotKit.Base.officeBlue(); MochiKit.Base.update(moreOpts, options); PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.__super__.__init__.call(this, element, layout, moreOpts); //this._addDropShadowFilter(); }; PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.prototype._addDropShadowFilter = function() { var filter = this.createSVGElement("filter", {x: 0, y: 0, "id":"dropShadow"}); var goffset = this.createSVGElement("feOffset", {"in": "SourceGraphic", "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "result": "topCopy"}); var blur = this.createSVGElement("feGaussianBlur", {"in": "SourceAlpha", "StdDeviation": 2, "result": "shadow"}); var soffset = this.createSVGElement("feOffset", {"in": "shadow", "dx": -1, "dy": -2, "result":"movedShadow"}); var merge = this.createSVGElement("feMerge"); var gmerge = this.createSVGElement("feMergeNode", {"in":"topCopy"}); var smerge = this.createSVGElement("feMergeNode", {"in":"movedShadow"}); merge.appendChild(gmerge); merge.appendChild(smerge); filter.appendChild(goffset); filter.appendChild(blur); filter.appendChild(soffset); filter.appendChild(merge); this.defs.appendChild(filter); }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Extended Plotting Functions // --------------------------------------------------------------------- PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.prototype._renderBarChart = function() { var bind = MochiKit.Base.bind; var shadowColor = Color.blackColor().toRGBString(); var shadowStyle = "fill:" + shadowColor + ";fill-opacity:0.15"; var strokeStyle = "stroke-width: 2.0; stroke:" + Color.whiteColor().toRGBString(); var drawRect = function(attrs, bar) { var x = this.area.w * bar.x + this.area.x; var y = this.area.h * bar.y + this.area.y; var w = this.area.w * bar.w; var h = this.area.h * bar.h; if ((w < 1) || (h < 1)) return; //attrs["filter"] = "url(#dropShadow)"; attrs["style"] = strokeStyle; this._drawRect(x - 2, y - 1, w+4, h+2, {"style":shadowStyle}); this._drawRect(x, y, w, h, attrs); }; this._renderBarOrLine(this.layout.bars, bind(drawRect, this)); }; PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.prototype._renderLineChart = function() { var bind = MochiKit.Base.bind; var shadowColor = Color.blackColor().toRGBString(); var shadowStyle = "fill:" + shadowColor + ";fill-opacity:0.15"; var strokeStyle = "stroke-width: 2.0; stroke:" + Color.whiteColor().toRGBString(); var addPoint = function(attrs, point) { this._tempPointsBuffer += (this.area.w * point.x + this.area.x) + "," + (this.area.h * point.y + this.area.y) + " "; }; var startLine = function(attrs) { this._tempPointsBuffer = ""; this._tempPointsBuffer += (this.area.x) + "," + (this.area.y+this.area.h) + " "; }; var endLine = function(attrs) { this._tempPointsBuffer += (this.area.w + this.area.x) + "," +(this.area.h + this.area.y); attrs["points"] = this._tempPointsBuffer; attrs["stroke"] = "none"; attrs["transform"] = "translate(-2, -1)"; attrs["style"] = shadowStyle; var shadow = this.createSVGElement("polygon", attrs); this.root.appendChild(shadow); attrs["transform"] = ""; attrs["style"] = strokeStyle; var elem = this.createSVGElement("polygon", attrs); this.root.appendChild(elem); }; this._renderBarOrLine(this.layout.points, bind(addPoint, this), bind(startLine, this), bind(endLine, this)); }; PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.prototype._renderPieChart = function() { var centerx = this.area.x + this.area.w * 0.5; var centery = this.area.y + this.area.h * 0.5; var shadowColor = Color.blackColor().toRGBString(); var radius = Math.min(this.area.w * this.options.pieRadius, this.area.h * this.options.pieRadius); var shadowStyle = "fill:" + shadowColor + ";fill-opacity:0.15"; var shadow = this.createSVGElement("circle", {"style": shadowStyle, "cx": centerx + 1, "cy": centery + 1, "r": radius + 1}); this.root.appendChild(shadow); PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.__super__._renderPieChart.call(this); }; PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.prototype._renderBackground = function() { var attrs = { "fill": this.options.backgroundColor.toRGBString(), "stroke": "none" }; if (this.layout.style == "bar" || this.layout.style == "line") { this._drawRect(this.area.x, this.area.y, this.area.w, this.area.h, attrs); var ticks = this.layout.yticks; var horiz = false; if (this.layout.style == "bar" && this.layout.options.barOrientation == "horizontal") { ticks = this.layout.xticks; horiz = true; } for (var i = 0; i < ticks.length; i++) { var x = 0; var y = 0; var w = 0; var h = 0; if (horiz) { x = ticks[i][0] * this.area.w + this.area.x; y = this.area.y; w = 1; h = this.area.w; } else { x = this.area.x; y = ticks[i][0] * this.area.h + this.area.y; w = this.area.w; h = 1; } this._drawRect(x, y, w, h, {"fill": this.options.axisLineColor.toRGBString()}); } } else { PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer.__super__._renderBackground.call(this); } }; // Namespace Iniitialisation PlotKit.SweetSVG = {} PlotKit.SweetSVG.SweetSVGRenderer = PlotKit.SweetSVGRenderer; PlotKit.SweetSVG.EXPORT = [ "SweetSVGRenderer" ]; PlotKit.SweetSVG.EXPORT_OK = [ "SweetSVGRenderer" ]; PlotKit.SweetSVG.__new__ = function() { var m = MochiKit.Base; m.nameFunctions(this); this.EXPORT_TAGS = { ":common": this.EXPORT, ":all": m.concat(this.EXPORT, this.EXPORT_OK) }; }; PlotKit.SweetSVG.__new__(); MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this, PlotKit.SweetSVG);