require "rubygems" require "rake" require "rake/clean" require "rdoc/task" require "bundler/gem_tasks" desc "When releasing make sure NET_SSH_BUILDGEM_SIGNED is set" task :check_NET_SSH_BUILDGEM_SIGNED do raise "NET_SSH_BUILDGEM_SIGNED should be set to release" unless ENV['NET_SSH_BUILDGEM_SIGNED'] end Rake::Task[:release].enhance [:check_NET_SSH_BUILDGEM_SIGNED] Rake::Task[:release].prerequisites.unshift(:check_NET_SSH_BUILDGEM_SIGNED) task default: ["build"] CLEAN.include [ 'pkg', 'rdoc' ] name = "net-scp" require_relative "lib/net/scp/version" version = Net::SCP::Version::CURRENT namespace :cert do desc "Update public cert from private - only run if public is expired" task :update_public_when_expired do require 'openssl' require 'time' raw = "net-scp-public_cert.pem" certificate = raw raise Exception, "Not yet expired: #{certificate.not_after}" unless certificate.not_after < sh "gem cert --build --days 365*5 --private-key /mnt/gem/net-ssh-private_key.pem" sh "mv gem-public_cert.pem net-scp-public_cert.pem" sh "gem cert --add net-scp-public_cert.pem" end end if false begin require "jeweler" do |s| s.version = version = name s.summary = "A pure Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocol" s.description = s.summary = "" s.homepage = "" s.authors = ["Jamis Buck", "Delano Mandelbaum"] s.add_dependency 'net-ssh', ">=2.6.5" s.add_development_dependency 'test-unit' s.add_development_dependency 'mocha' s.license = "MIT" s.signing_key = File.join('/mnt/gem/', 'gem-private_key.pem') s.cert_chain = ['gem-public_cert.pem'] end rescue LoadError puts "Jeweler (or a dependency) not available. Install it with: sudo gem install jeweler" end end require 'rake/testtask' do |t| t.libs = ["lib", "test"] end extra_files = %w[LICENSE.txt THANKS.txt CHANGES.txt ] do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = "rdoc" rdoc.title = "#{name} #{version}" rdoc.generator = 'hanna' # gem install hanna-nouveau rdoc.main = '' rdoc.rdoc_files.include("README*") rdoc.rdoc_files.include("bin/*.rb") rdoc.rdoc_files.include("lib/**/*.rb") extra_files.each { |file| rdoc.rdoc_files.include(file) if File.exist?(file) } end def change_version(&block) version_file = 'lib/net/scp/version.rb' require_relative version_file pre = Net::SCP::Version::PRE tiny = Net::SCP::Version::TINY result = block[pre: pre, tiny: Net::SCP::Version::TINY] raise ArgumentError, "Version change logic should always return a pre" unless result.key?(:pre) new_pre = result[:pre] new_tiny = result[:tiny] || tiny found = { pre: false, tiny: false }"#{version_file}.new", "w") do |f| File.readlines(version_file).each do |line| match = if pre.nil? /^(\s+PRE\s+=\s+)nil(\s*)$/.match(line) else /^(\s+PRE\s+=\s+")#{pre}("\s*)$/.match(line) end if match prefix = match[1] postfix = match[2] prefix.delete_suffix!('"') postfix.delete_prefix!('"') new_line = "#{prefix}#{new_pre.inspect}#{postfix}" puts "Changing:\n - #{line} + #{new_line}" line = new_line found[:pre] = true end if new_tiny != tiny match = /^(\s+TINY\s+=\s+)#{tiny}(\s*)$/.match(line) if match prefix = match[1] postfix = match[2] new_line = "#{prefix}#{new_tiny}#{postfix}" puts "Changing:\n - #{line} + #{new_line}" line = new_line found[:tiny] = true end end f.write(line) end raise ArgumentError, "Cound not find line: PRE = \"#{pre}\" in #{version_file}" unless found[:pre] raise ArgumentError, "Cound not find line: TINY = \"#{tiny}\" in #{version_file}" unless found[:tiny] || new_tiny == tiny end version_file, "#{version_file}.old" "#{version_file}.new", version_file end namespace :vbump do desc "Final release" task :final do change_version do |pre:, tiny:| _ = tiny if pre.nil? { tiny: tiny + 1, pre: nil } else raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected pre: #{pre}" if pre.nil? { pre: nil } end end end desc "Increment prerelease" task :pre, [:type] do |_t, args| change_version do |pre:, tiny:| puts " PRE => #{pre.inspect}" match = /^([a-z]+)(\d+)/.match(pre) raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected pre: #{pre}" if match.nil? && args[:type].nil? if match.nil? || (!args[:type].nil? && args[:type] != match[1]) if pre.nil? { pre: "#{args[:type]}1", tiny: tiny + 1 } else { pre: "#{args[:type]}1" } end else { pre: "#{match[1]}#{match[2].to_i + 1}" } end end end end