module ActiveScaffold # Provides support for param hashes assumed to be model attributes. # Support is primarily needed for creating/editing associated records using a nested hash structure. # # Paradigm Params Hash (should write unit tests on this): # params[:record] = { # # a simple record attribute # 'name' => 'John', # # a plural association hash # 'roles' => { # # associate with an existing role # '5' => {'id' => 5} # # associate with an existing role and edit it # '6' => {'id' => 6, 'name' => 'designer'} # # create and associate a new role # '124521' => {'name' => 'marketer'} # } # # a singular association hash # 'location' => {'id' => 12, 'city' => 'New York'} # } # # Simpler association structures are also supported, like: # params[:record] = { # # a simple record attribute # 'name' => 'John', # # a plural association ... all ids refer to existing records # 'roles' => ['5', '6'], # # a singular association ... all ids refer to existing records # 'location' => '12' # } module AttributeParams protected # Takes attributes (as from params[:record]) and applies them to the parent_record. Also looks for # association attributes and attempts to instantiate them as associated objects. # # This is a secure way to apply params to a record, because it's based on a loop over the columns # set. The columns set will not yield unauthorized columns, and it will not yield unregistered columns. def update_record_from_params(parent_record, columns, attributes) crud_type = parent_record.new_record? ? :create : :update return parent_record unless parent_record.authorized_for?(:crud_type => crud_type) attributes = {} unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) multi_parameter_attributes = {} attributes.each do |k, v| next unless k.include? '(' column_name = k.split('(').first.to_sym multi_parameter_attributes[column_name] ||= [] multi_parameter_attributes[column_name] << [k, v] end columns.each :for => parent_record, :crud_type => crud_type, :flatten => true do |column| # Set any passthrough parameters that may be associated with this column (ie, file column "keep" and "temp" attributes) unless column.params.empty? column.params.each{|p| parent_record.send("#{p}=", attributes[p]) if attributes.has_key? p} end if multi_parameter_attributes.has_key? parent_record.send(:assign_multiparameter_attributes, multi_parameter_attributes[]) elsif attributes.has_key? value = column_value_from_param_value(parent_record, column, attributes[]) # we avoid assigning a value that already exists because otherwise has_one associations will break (AR bug in has_one_association.rb#replace) parent_record.send("#{}=", value) unless parent_record.send( == value # plural associations may not actually appear in the params if all of the options have been unselected or cleared away. # the "form_ui" check is necessary, becuase without it we have problems # with subforms. the UI cuts out deep associations, which means they're not present in the # params even though they're in the columns list. the result is that associations were being # emptied out way too often. elsif column.form_ui and column.plural_association? parent_record.send("#{}=", []) end end if parent_record.new_record? parent_record.class.reflect_on_all_associations.each do |a| next unless [:has_one, :has_many].include?(a.macro) and not a.options[:through] next unless association_proxy = parent_record.send( raise ActiveScaffold::ReverseAssociationRequired, "Association #{}: In order to support :has_one and :has_many where the parent record is new and the child record(s) validate the presence of the parent, ActiveScaffold requires the reverse association (the belongs_to)." unless a.reverse association_proxy = [association_proxy] if a.macro == :has_one association_proxy.each { |record| record.send("#{a.reverse}=", parent_record) } end end parent_record end def manage_nested_record_from_params(parent_record, column, attributes) record = nested_record_for_action(parent_record, column, attributes) if record record_columns = active_scaffold_config_for(column.association.klass).subform.columns update_record_from_params(record, record_columns, attributes) record.unsaved = true end record end def nested_record_for_action(parent_record, column, attributes) associated_action = attributes.delete(:associated_action) case associated_action.to_sym when :create then create_nested_record(column, parent_record) when :update then find_nested_record(attributes[:id], column, parent_record) when :empty then nil when :delete then nil when :create_or_empty then if column.show_blank_record && attributes_hash_is_empty?(attributes, column.association.klass) nil else create_nested_record(column, parent_record) end end end def column_value_from_param_value(parent_record, column, value) # convert the value, possibly by instantiating associated objects if value.is_a?(Hash) column_value_from_param_hash_value(parent_record, column, value) else column_value_from_param_simple_value(parent_record, column, value) end end def column_value_from_param_simple_value(parent_record, column, value) if column.singular_association? # it's a single id column.association.klass.find(value) if value and not value.empty? elsif column.plural_association? column_plural_assocation_value_from_value(column, value) elsif column.column && column.column.number? && [:i18n_number, :currency].include?(column.options[:format]) self.class.i18n_number_to_native_format(value) else # convert empty strings into nil. this works better with 'null => true' columns (and validations), # and 'null => false' columns should just convert back to an empty string. # ... but we can at least check the ConnectionAdapter::Column object to see if nulls are allowed value = nil if value.is_a? String and value.empty? and !column.column.nil? and column.column.null value end end def column_plural_assocation_value_from_value(column, value) # it's an array of ids if value and not value.empty? ids = {|id| id.respond_to?(:empty?) ? !id.empty? : true} ids.empty? ? [] : column.association.klass.find(ids) end end def column_value_from_param_hash_value(parent_record, column, value) # this is just for backwards compatibility. we should clean this up in 2.0. if column.form_ui == :select ids = if column.singular_association? value[:id] else value.values.collect {|hash| hash[:id]} end (ids and not ids.empty?) ? column.association.klass.find(ids) : nil elsif column.singular_association? manage_nested_record_from_params(parent_record, column, value) elsif column.plural_association? value.collect {|key_value_pair| manage_nested_record_from_params(parent_record, column, key_value_pair[1])}.compact else value end end def create_nested_record(parent_column, parent_record) klass = parent_column.association.klass if klass.authorized_for?(:crud_type => :create) if parent_column.singular_association? return parent_record.send("build_#{}") else return parent_record.send( end end end def find_nested_record(id, parent_column, parent_record) klass = parent_column.association.klass if id current = parent_record.send("find_nested_record: id: #{id}, curent: #{current.inspect}") # modifying the current object of a singular association if current && current.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) && == id return current # modifying one of the current objects in a plural association elsif current && current.respond_to?(:any?) && current.any? {|o| == id} return current.detect {|o| == id} # attaching an existing but not-current object else return klass.find(id) end else"Activescaffold find_nested_record missing id") end end # Determines whether the given attributes hash is "empty". # This isn't a literal emptiness - it's an attempt to discern whether the user intended it to be empty or not. def attributes_hash_is_empty?(hash, klass) ignore_column_types = [:boolean] hash.all? do |key,value| # convert any possible multi-parameter attributes like 'created_at(5i)' to simply 'created_at' parts = key.to_s.split('(') #old style date form management... ignore them too ignore_column_types = [:boolean, :datetime, :date, :time] if parts.length > 1 column_name = parts.first column = klass.columns_hash[column_name] # booleans and datetimes will always have a value. so we ignore them when checking whether the hash is empty. # this could be a bad idea. but the current situation (excess record entry) seems worse. next true if column and ignore_column_types.include?(column.type) # defaults are pre-filled on the form. we can't use them to determine if the user intends a new row. next true if column and value == column.default.to_s if value.is_a?(Hash) attributes_hash_is_empty?(value, klass) elsif value.is_a?(Array) value.any? {|id| id.respond_to?(:empty?) ? !id.empty? : true} else value.respond_to?(:empty?) ? value.empty? : false end end end end end