# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- module Sass module SCSS # A module containing regular expressions used # for lexing tokens in an SCSS document. # Most of these are taken from [the CSS3 spec](http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#lexical), # although some have been modified for various reasons. module RX # Takes a string and returns a CSS identifier # that will have the value of the given string. # # @param str [String] The string to escape # @return [String] The escaped string def self.escape_ident(str) return "" if str.empty? return "\\#{str}" if str == '-' || str == '_' out = "" value = str.dup out << value.slice!(0...1) if value =~ /^[-_]/ if value[0...1] =~ NMSTART out << value.slice!(0...1) else out << escape_char(value.slice!(0...1)) end out << value.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/) {|c| escape_char c} out end # Escapes a single character for a CSS identifier. # # @param c [String] The character to escape. Should have length 1 # @return [String] The escaped character # @private def self.escape_char(c) return "\\%06x" % (Sass::Util.ord(c)) unless c =~ %r{[ -/:-~]} "\\#{c}" end # Creates a Regexp from a plain text string, # escaping all significant characters. # # @param str [String] The text of the regexp # @param flags [Fixnum] Flags for the created regular expression # @return [Regexp] # @private def self.quote(str, flags = 0) Regexp.new(Regexp.quote(str), flags) end H = /[0-9a-fA-F]/ NL = /\n|\r\n|\r|\f/ UNICODE = /\\#{H}{1,6}[ \t\r\n\f]?/ s = if Sass::Util.ruby1_8? '\200-\377' elsif Sass::Util.macruby? '\u0080-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\U00010000-\U0010FFFF' else '\u{80}-\u{D7FF}\u{E000}-\u{FFFD}\u{10000}-\u{10FFFF}' end NONASCII = /[#{s}]/ ESCAPE = /#{UNICODE}|\\[ -~#{s}]/ NMSTART = /[_a-zA-Z]|#{NONASCII}|#{ESCAPE}/ NMCHAR = /[a-zA-Z0-9_-]|#{NONASCII}|#{ESCAPE}/ STRING1 = /\"((?:[^\n\r\f\\"]|\\#{NL}|#{ESCAPE})*)\"/ STRING2 = /\'((?:[^\n\r\f\\']|\\#{NL}|#{ESCAPE})*)\'/ IDENT = /-*#{NMSTART}#{NMCHAR}*/ NAME = /#{NMCHAR}+/ STRING = /#{STRING1}|#{STRING2}/ URLCHAR = /[#%&*-~]|#{NONASCII}|#{ESCAPE}/ URL = /(#{URLCHAR}*)/ W = /[ \t\r\n\f]*/ VARIABLE = /(\$)(#{Sass::SCSS::RX::IDENT})/ # This is more liberal than the spec's definition, # but that definition didn't work well with the greediness rules RANGE = /(?:#{H}|\?){1,6}/ ## S = /[ \t\r\n\f]+/ COMMENT = %r{/\*([^*]|\*+[^/*])*\**\*/} SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = %r{//.*(\n[ \t]*//.*)*} CDO = quote("") INCLUDES = quote("~=") DASHMATCH = quote("|=") PREFIXMATCH = quote("^=") SUFFIXMATCH = quote("$=") SUBSTRINGMATCH = quote("*=") HASH = /##{NAME}/ IMPORTANT = /!#{W}important/i # A unit is like an IDENT, but disallows a hyphen followed by a digit. # This allows "1px-2px" to be interpreted as subtraction rather than "1" # with the unit "px-2px". It also allows "%". UNIT = /-?#{NMSTART}(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_]|#{NONASCII}|#{ESCAPE}|-(?!\.?\d))*|%/ UNITLESS_NUMBER = /(?:[0-9]+|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/ NUMBER = /#{UNITLESS_NUMBER}(?:#{UNIT})?/ PERCENTAGE = /#{UNITLESS_NUMBER}%/ URI = /url\(#{W}(?:#{STRING}|#{URL})#{W}\)/i FUNCTION = /#{IDENT}\(/ UNICODERANGE = /u\+(?:#{H}{1,6}-#{H}{1,6}|#{RANGE})/i # Defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#lex PLUS = /#{W}\+/ GREATER = /#{W}>/ TILDE = /#{W}~/ NOT = quote(":not(", Regexp::IGNORECASE) # Defined in https://developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/@-moz-document as a # non-standard version of http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-conditional/ URL_PREFIX = /url-prefix\(#{W}(?:#{STRING}|#{URL})#{W}\)/i DOMAIN = /domain\(#{W}(?:#{STRING}|#{URL})#{W}\)/i # Custom HEXCOLOR = /\#[0-9a-fA-F]+/ INTERP_START = /#\{/ ANY = /:(-[-\w]+-)?any\(/i OPTIONAL = /!#{W}optional/i IDENT_START = /-|#{NMSTART}/ IDENT_HYPHEN_INTERP = /-(#\{)/ STRING1_NOINTERP = /\"((?:[^\n\r\f\\"#]|#(?!\{)|#{ESCAPE})*)\"/ STRING2_NOINTERP = /\'((?:[^\n\r\f\\'#]|#(?!\{)|#{ESCAPE})*)\'/ STRING_NOINTERP = /#{STRING1_NOINTERP}|#{STRING2_NOINTERP}/ STATIC_COMPONENT = /#{IDENT}|#{STRING_NOINTERP}|#{HEXCOLOR}|[+-]?#{NUMBER}|\!important/i STATIC_VALUE = %r(#{STATIC_COMPONENT}(\s*[\s,/]\s*#{STATIC_COMPONENT})*([;}]))i STATIC_SELECTOR = /(#{NMCHAR}|[ \t]|[,>+*]|[:#.]#{NMSTART}){1,50}([{])/i end end end