require 'paint' def vprint(*args) puts args if $verbose && !$quiet end def error(*args) puts Paint['ERROR', '#e74c3c'] + " - #{args.join(' ')}" end def report_error_to_github(trace) commit_string =, '.git')) ? "Commit `#{, '.git', 'refs', 'heads', 'master')).strip}`" : nil puts %( :::::::::::::::::: COPY BELOW :::::::::::::::::: ### Ruby version `#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}` ### OS #{Gem::Platform.local.os} ### Radon Version `VERSION` ### Date Found #{"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")} ### Backtrace ``` #{trace} ``` #{commit_string} :::::::::::::::::: COPY ABOVE :::::::::::::::::: #{Paint["Whoops! Looks like you've found a bug in radon. Please copy the text above and open a new issue at ", '#e74c3c'] + Paint['', :bold, :bright]} ) end def create(fname) puts Paint[' create', '#2ecc71'] + " #{fname}" unless $quiet end def skip(fname) puts Paint[' skip', '#f1c40f'] + " #{fname}" unless $quiet end # Gets the project name in capitalized format. Eg: MyProjectName def projectify(name) # Name becomes frozen for some reason name = name.gsub(/(.)([A-Z])/, '\1-\2') name.downcase! name.gsub!('..', '') name.gsub!('/', '') name.gsub!('\\', '') name[0] = '' if name[0] == '-' name.gsub!('--', '-') name.gsub!('_-', '-') return name end # Prompts the user for input def ask(*args) print(*args) $stdin.gets.chomp end # Gets the project name in dash-seperated format. Eg: my-project-name def classify(name) name = name.gsub(/-[a-z]/) {|s| s.upcase } name.delete!('-') return name.slice(0,1).capitalize + name.slice(1..-1) end # Replaces 'find' with 'repl' in every file and directory def find_and_replace_all(target_dir, find, repl) files = Dir[File.join(target_dir,'**','*')] files.each do |file_name| next if begin text = # Do the find and replace new_contents = text.gsub(find, repl), 'w') {|f| f.puts new_contents} rescue Errno::ENOENT => e # Something weird happened (this shouldn't come up) error "ERROR GSUBING FILE #{file_name}" report_error_to_github(e.backtrace) next end end end # Replaces all tokens in all files in the target directory def replace_all_tokens(target) find_and_replace_all(target, '{{NAME}}', projectify(target)) find_and_replace_all(target, '{{CAPSNAME}}', classify(target)) find_and_replace_all(target, '{{EMAIL}}', Radon::Util.get_email) find_and_replace_all(target, '{{GHNAME}}', Radon::Util.get_github_username) end