--- en: activerecord: attributes: fine_print/contract: content: Content name: Name title: Title version: Version fine_print/signature: contract: Contract created_at: "Signed on" user: User user_id: "User ID" user_type: "User Class" errors: models: fine_print/signature: attributes: contract: taken: "has already been signed" models: fine_print/contract: one: contract other: contracts fine_print/signature: one: signature other: signatures fine_print: contract: actions: confirm: delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this contract?" publish: "Are you sure you want to publish this contract?" unpublish: "Are you sure you want to unpublish this contract?" delete: Delete edit: Edit editing: "Editing %{contract}" list: List new: "New Contract" new_version: "New Version" new_version_of: "New version of %{contract}" publish: Publish show: Details signatures: Signatures unpublish: Unpublish update: Update descriptions: name: "Used internally by your code; only letters, numbers, underscores allowed; changing this will start a new contract at version 1" title: "e.g., \"Terms of Use\"" errors: already_published: "cannot be published because it is already published" already_signed: "cannot be modified because it has already been signed" not_latest: "cannot be unpublished because it is not the latest version" notices: created: "Contract created." deleted: "Contract deleted." published: "Contract published." unpublished: "Contract unpublished." updated: "Contract updated." status: draft: draft index: Contracts name: "Name: %{name}" updated_at: "Last updated on %{updated_at}." version: "v.%{version}" error: one: "Error:" other: "Errors:" signature: actions: accept: "I have read and accept the terms above." confirm: delete: "User will be asked to accept the contract again. Are you sure?" delete: Terminate sign: "I agree" errors: contract: must_agree: "must be accepted to proceed" not_published: "must be published before it can be signed" notices: deleted: "Signature deleted." status: for_contract: "Signatures for %{contract}" new_version: "Please review and accept the newest version of the %{contract}:" time: formats: fine_print: "%b %d %Y at %I:%M%p %Z"