#Contains various methods for doing stuff quick using the Gtk2-extension. module Knj::Gtk2 #Autoloader. def self.const_missing(name) require "#{$knjpath}gtk2_#{name.to_s.downcase}" return Knj::Gtk2.const_get(name) end #Alias for self.msgbox. def msgbox(*args, &block) return Knj::Gtk2.msgbox(*args, &block) end #Shows a dialog on the screen based on various arguments. #===Examples # Knj::Gtk2.msgbox("Message", "Title", "info") # Knj::Gtk2.msgbox("Question", "Title", "yesno") #=> "yes"|"no"|"cancel"|"close" def self.msgbox(paras, type = "warning", title = nil) if paras.is_a?(Array) msg = paras[0] title = paras[2] type = paras[1] elsif paras.is_a?(Hash) msg = paras["msg"] title = paras["title"] type = paras["type"] elsif paras.is_a?(String) or paras.is_a?(Integer) msg = paras else raise "Cant handle the parameters: '#{paras.class.name}'." end type = "info" if !type if !title if type == "yesno" title = "Question" elsif type == "info" title = "Message" else title = "Warning" end end close_sig = "close" cancel_sig = "cancel" ok_sig = "ok" yes_sig = "yes" no_sig = "no" box = Gtk::HBox.new if type == "yesno" button1 = [Gtk::Stock::YES, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_YES] button2 = [Gtk::Stock::NO, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_NO] image = Gtk::Image.new(Gtk::Stock::DIALOG_QUESTION, Gtk::IconSize::DIALOG) elsif type == "warning" button1 = [Gtk::Stock::OK, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_OK] image = Gtk::Image.new(Gtk::Stock::DIALOG_WARNING, Gtk::IconSize::DIALOG) elsif type == "info" button1 = [Gtk::Stock::OK, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_OK] image = Gtk::Image.new(Gtk::Stock::DIALOG_INFO, Gtk::IconSize::DIALOG) elsif type == "list" close_sig = false cancel_sig = false button1 = [Gtk::Stock::OK, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_OK] tv = Gtk::TreeView.new tv.init([_("ID"), _("Title")]) tv.columns[0].visible = false if paras["items"].is_a?(Hash) paras["items"].each do |key, value| tv.append([key, value]) end elsif paras["items"].is_a?(Array) count = 0 paras["items"].each do |element| if element.respond_to?("id") and element.respond_to?("title") tv.append([count.to_s, element.title]) else raise "Could not handle object in array: '#{element.class.name}'." end count += 1 end else raise "Unhandeled class: '#{items.class.name}'." end sw = Gtk::ScrolledWindow.new sw.add(tv) box.pack_start(sw) else raise "No such mode: '#{type}'." end if button1 and button2 dialog = Gtk::Dialog.new(title, nil, Gtk::Dialog::MODAL, button1, button2) else dialog = Gtk::Dialog.new(title, nil, Gtk::Dialog::MODAL, button1) end box.pack_start(image) if image if msg label = Gtk::Label.new(msg) label.selectable = true box.pack_start(label) end box.spacing = 15 dialog.border_width = 5 dialog.vbox.add(box) dialog.has_separator = false dialog.show_all if type == "list" dialog.set_size_request(250, 370) tv.grab_focus end if paras.is_a?(Hash) and paras["transient_for"] dialog.transient_for = paras["transient_for"] end do_run = true do_run = false if paras.is_a?(Hash) and paras.key?("run") and !paras["run"] if do_run response = dialog.run else #Connect the one button to close the window. dialog.children[0].children[1].children[0].signal_connect("clicked") do dialog.destroy end return false end if type == "list" sel = tv.sel if sel and sel[0] if paras["items"].is_a?(Array) and paras["items"].length > 0 and sel and sel[0] trala = sel[0].to_i ok_sig = paras["items"][sel[0].to_i] else ok_sig = sel[0] end else ok_sig = false end end dialog.destroy if response == Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_OK return ok_sig elsif response == Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_YES return yes_sig elsif response == Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_NO return no_sig elsif response == Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_CANCEL return cancel_sig elsif response == Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_CLOSE or response == Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT return close_sig else raise "Unknown response: '#{response}'." end end #Takes a Gtk::Builder-object and runs labels and titles through GetText.gettext in order to translate them. #===Examples # Knj::Gtk2.translate(builder_obj) def self.translate(builderob) builderob.objects.each do |object| class_str = object.class.to_s if object.is_a?(Gtk::Label) or object.is_a?(Gtk::Button) object.label = GetText.gettext(object.label) elsif object.is_a?(Gtk::Window) object.title = GetText.gettext(object.title) end end end #Makes a Gtk::Table based on the given arguments. #===Examples # Knj::Gtk2.form([{"type" => "text", "name" => "txtname", "title" => _("Name")}]) #=> {"table" => , "objects" => } def self.form(paras) table = Gtk::Table.new(paras.length, 2) table.row_spacings = 4 table.column_spacings = 4 top = 0 objects = {} paras.each do |item| if !item["type"] if item["name"][0..2] == "txt" or item["name"][0..2] == "tex" item["type"] = "text" elsif item["name"][0..2] == "sel" item["type"] = "select" elsif item["name"][0..2] == "che" item["type"] = "check" else raise "Could not figure out type for: '#{item["name"]}'." end end if item["type"] == "text" or item["type"] == "password" label = Gtk::Label.new(item["title"]) label.xalign = 0 text = Gtk::Entry.new if item["type"] == "password" text.visibility = false end if item["default"] text.text = item["default"] end table.attach(label, 0, 1, top, top + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL) table.attach(text, 1, 2, top, top + 1, Gtk::EXPAND | Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK) objects[item["name"]] = { "type" => "text", "object" => text } elsif item["type"] == "check" check = Gtk::CheckButton.new(item["title"]) table.attach(check, 0, 2, top, top + 1, Gtk::EXPAND | Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK) objects[item["name"]] = { "type" => "check", "object" => check } elsif item["type"] == "select" label = Gtk::Label.new(item["title"]) label.xalign = 0 cb = Gtk::ComboBox.new cb.init(item["opts"]) table.attach(label, 0, 1, top, top + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL) table.attach(cb, 1, 2, top, top + 1, Gtk::EXPAND | Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK) objects[item["name"]] = { "type" => "text", "object" => cb } else raise "Unknown type: '#{item["type"]}'." end top += 1 end return { "table" => table, "objects" => objects } end #Takes a given object and sets its value. #===Examples # Knj::Gtk2.form_setval(text_obj, "Hejsa") # Knj::Gtk2.form_setval(checkbox_obj, 1) def self.form_setval(object, val) if object.is_a?(Gtk::Entry) object.text = val.to_s elsif object.is_a?(Gtk::CheckButton) if val.to_s == "1" object.active = true else object.active = false end elsif object.is_a?(Gtk::ComboBox) object.sel = val.to_s end end #Returns the value of an object regardless of that type the object is. #===Examples # Knj::Gtk2.form_getval(text_obj) #=> "Hejsa" # Knj::Gtk2.form_getval(checkbox_obj) #=> "1" def self.form_getval(object) if object.is_a?(Gtk::Entry) return object.text elsif object.is_a?(Gtk::CheckButton) if object.active? return "1" else return "0" end elsif object.is_a?(Gtk::ComboBox) sel = object.sel return sel["text"] else raise "Unknown object: '#{object.class.name}'." end end end #Defines a shortcut-method on Gtk::Builder class Gtk::Builder #Proxies to Knj::Gtk2.translate def translate return Knj::Gtk2.translate(self) end end