require 'csv' module JSONAPI module ActsAsResourceController MEDIA_TYPE_MATCHER = /.+".+"[^,]*|[^,]+/ ALL_MEDIA_TYPES = '*/*' def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.include Callbacks base.cattr_reader :server_error_callbacks base.define_jsonapi_resources_callbacks :process_operations, :transaction end attr_reader :response_document def index process_request end def show process_request end def show_relationship process_request end def create process_request end def create_relationship process_request end def update_relationship process_request end def update process_request end def destroy process_request end def destroy_relationship process_request end def show_related_resource process_request end def index_related_resources process_request end def get_related_resource # :nocov: ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "In #{} you exposed a `get_related_resource`"\ " action. Please use `show_related_resource` instead." show_related_resource # :nocov: end def get_related_resources # :nocov: ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "In #{} you exposed a `get_related_resources`"\ " action. Please use `index_related_resources` instead." index_related_resources # :nocov: end def process_request @response_document = create_response_document unless verify_content_type_header && verify_accept_header render_response_document return end request_parser = params, context: context, key_formatter: key_formatter, server_error_callbacks: (self.class.server_error_callbacks || [])) transactional = request_parser.transactional? begin process_operations(transactional) do run_callbacks :process_operations do request_parser.each(response_document) do |op| op.options[:serializer] = op.resource_klass, include_directives: op.options[:include_directives], fields: op.options[:fields], base_url: base_url, key_formatter: key_formatter, route_formatter: route_formatter, serialization_options: serialization_options, controller: self ) op.options[:cache_serializer_output] = !JSONAPI.configuration.resource_cache.nil? process_operation(op) end end if response_document.has_errors? raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end rescue => e handle_exceptions(e) end render_response_document end def process_operations(transactional) if transactional run_callbacks :transaction do ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do yield end end else begin yield rescue ActiveRecord::Rollback # Can't rollback without transaction, so just ignore it end end end def process_operation(operation) result = operation.process response_document.add_result(result, operation) end private def resource_klass @resource_klass ||= resource_klass_name.safe_constantize end def resource_serializer_klass @resource_serializer_klass ||= JSONAPI::ResourceSerializer end def base_url @base_url ||= "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{Rails.application.config.relative_url_root}" end def resource_klass_name @resource_klass_name ||= "#{$/, '').singularize}_resource".camelize end def verify_content_type_header if ['create', 'create_relationship', 'update_relationship', 'update'].include?(params[:action]) unless request.content_type == JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE fail end end true rescue => e handle_exceptions(e) false end def verify_accept_header unless valid_accept_media_type? fail end true rescue => e handle_exceptions(e) false end def valid_accept_media_type? media_types = media_types_for('Accept') media_types.blank? || media_types.any? do |media_type| (media_type == JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE || media_type.start_with?(ALL_MEDIA_TYPES)) end end def media_types_for(header) (request.headers[header] || '') .scan(MEDIA_TYPE_MATCHER) .to_a .map(&:strip) end # override to set context def context {} end def serialization_options {} end # Control by setting in an initializer: # JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key # JSONAPI.configuration.route = :camelized_route # # Override if you want to set a per controller key format. # Must return an instance of a class derived from KeyFormatter. def key_formatter JSONAPI.configuration.key_formatter end def route_formatter JSONAPI.configuration.route_formatter end def base_response_meta {} end def base_meta base_response_meta end def base_response_links {} end def render_response_document content = response_document.contents render_options = {} if response_document.has_errors? render_options[:json] = content else # Bypassing ActiveSupport allows us to use CompiledJson objects for cached response fragments render_options[:body] = JSON.generate(content) if (response_document.status == 201 && content[:data].class != Array) && content['data'] && content['data']['links'] && content['data']['links']['self'] render_options[:location] = content['data']['links']['self'] end end # For whatever reason, `render` ignores :status and :content_type when :body is set. # But, we can just set those values directly in the Response object instead. response.status = response_document.status response.headers['Content-Type'] = JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE render(render_options) end def create_response_document key_formatter: key_formatter, base_meta: base_meta, base_links: base_response_links, request: request ) end # override this to process other exceptions # Note: Be sure to either call super(e) or handle JSONAPI::Exceptions::Error and raise unhandled exceptions def handle_exceptions(e) case e when JSONAPI::Exceptions::Error errors = e.errors when ActionController::ParameterMissing errors = else if JSONAPI.configuration.exception_class_whitelisted?(e) raise e else if self.class.server_error_callbacks self.class.server_error_callbacks.each { |callback| safe_run_callback(callback, e) } end # Store exception for other middlewares request.env['action_dispatch.exception'] ||= e internal_server_error = Rails.logger.error { "Internal Server Error: #{e.message} #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" } errors = internal_server_error.errors end end response_document.add_result([0].status, errors), nil) end def safe_run_callback(callback, error) begin rescue => e Rails.logger.error { "Error in error handling callback: #{e.message} #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" } internal_server_error = return[0].code, internal_server_error.errors) end end # Pass in a methods or a block to be run when an exception is # caught that is not a JSONAPI::Exceptions::Error # Useful for additional logging or notification configuration that # would normally depend on rails catching and rendering an exception. # Ignores whitelist exceptions from config module ClassMethods def on_server_error(*args, &callback_block) callbacks ||= [] if callback_block callbacks << callback_block end method_callbacks = do |method| ->(error) do if self.respond_to? method send(method, error) else Rails.logger.warn("#{method} not defined on #{self}, skipping error callback") end end end.compact callbacks += method_callbacks self.class_variable_set :@@server_error_callbacks, callbacks end end end end