class Tryouts::Drill # = Response # # A generic base class for Dream and Reality # class Response attr_accessor :output, :format def initialize(output=nil, format=nil) @output, @format = output, format end def format(val=nil); @format = val.to_sym unless val.nil?; @format; end def format=(val); @format = val.to_sym; @format; end def, reality) return false if reality.nil? ## I don't think this check is necessary or useful ##return false unless reality.error.nil? && reality.trace.nil? return true if reality.output == true and dream.nil? begin case dream.format when :exception reality.etype == dream.output when :match reality.output.respond_to?(:match) && !reality.output.match(dream.output).nil? when :proc dream.output.is_a?(Proc) && reality.comparison_value(dream) == dream.comparison_value when :mean, :sdev reality.comparison_value(dream) <= dream.comparison_value when :gt reality.output > dream.output when :gte reality.output >= dream.output when :lt reality.output < dream.output when :lte reality.output <= dream.output when :ne reality.output != dream.output when :respond_to?, :kind_of?, :is_a? reality.output.send(dream.format, dream.output) else if dream.format.nil? reality.output == dream.output elsif reality.output.respond_to?(dream.format) reality.comparison_value(dream) == dream.output else false end end rescue => ex puts ex.message, ex.backtrace if Tryouts.debug? reality.error, reality.trace, reality.etype = ex.message, ex.backtrace, ex.class return false end end def Response.compare_string(dream, reality) return "[noreality]" if reality.nil? if reality.output == true and dream.nil? return "#{reality.output.inspect} == true" end begin case dream.format when :proc test = dream.output test.arity > 0 ? " == true" : " == true" when :exception "#{reality.etype} == #{dream.output}" when :mean, :sdev "#{reality.comparison_value(dream)} <= #{dream.output}" when :match "#{reality.output.inspect}.match(#{dream.output.inspect})" when :gt, :gte, :lt, :lte, :ne op = {:gt=>'>',:gte=>'>=', :lt=>'<', :lte => '<=', :ne => '!='}.find { |i| i[0] == dream.format } "#{reality.output.inspect} #{op[1]} #{dream.output.inspect}" when :respond_to? "#{reality.output.class}.respond_to? #{dream.output.inspect}" when :kind_of? "#{reality.output.class}.kind_of? #{dream.output.inspect}" when :is_a? "#{reality.output.class}.is_a? #{dream.output.inspect}" else if dream.format.nil? "#{reality.output.inspect} == #{dream.output.inspect}" elsif reality.output.respond_to?(dream.format) "#{reality.output.inspect}.#{dream.format} == #{dream.output.inspect}" else "Unknown method #{dream.format.inspect} for #{reality.output.class} " end end rescue => ex puts ex.message, ex.backtrace if Tryouts.debug? reality.error, reality.trace, reality.etype = ex.message, ex.backtrace, ex.class return "" end end end # = Dream # # Contains the expected response of a Drill # class Dream < Tryouts::Drill::Response def self.from_block(definition) d = d.from_block definition d end def from_block(definition) instance_eval &definition self end # Takes a String +val+ and splits the lines into an Array. def inline(val=nil) lines = (val.split($/) || []) lines.shift if lines.first.strip == "" lines.pop if lines.last.strip == "" lines end def ==(reality) return @answer unless @answer.nil? @answer =, reality) end def test_to_string(reality) return @test_string unless @test_string.nil? @test_string = Response.compare_string(self, reality) end def comparison_value return @ret unless @ret.nil? @ret = case @format when :gt, :gte, :lt, :lte, :ne op = {:gt=>'>',:gte=>'>=', :lt=>'<', :lte => '<=', :ne => '!='}.find { |i| i[0] == @format } @output when :proc true when :respond_to?, :is_a?, :kind_of? true else @output end end end # = Reality # # Contains the actual response of a Drill # class Reality < Tryouts::Drill::Response # An ordered hash taken from the DrillContext that created this Reality. attr_accessor :stash attr_accessor :error attr_accessor :trace attr_accessor :ecode attr_accessor :etype def initialize @stash = end def ==(dream), self) end def comparison_value(dream) case dream.format when :proc test = dream.output (test.arity > 0 ? : when :exception @etype when :respond_to?, :is_a?, :kind_of? @output.send(dream.format, dream.output) when nil @output else return nil if @output.nil? if !dream.format.is_a?(Symbol) "This dream format is not a Symbol: #{dream.format}" elsif @output.respond_to?(dream.format) @output.send(dream.format) else @output end end end end end