Feature: stub template In order to isolate view specs from the partials rendered by the primary view, rspec-rails (since 2.2) provides the stub_template method. Scenario: stub template that does not exist Given a file named "spec/views/gadgets/list.html.erb_spec.rb" with: """ require "spec_helper" describe "gadgets/list" do it "renders the gadget partial for each gadget" do assign(:gadgets, [ mock_model(Gadget, :id => 1, :name => "First"), mock_model(Gadget, :id => 2, :name => "Second") ]) stub_template "gadgets/_gadget.html.erb" => "<%= gadget.name %>
" render rendered.should =~ /First/ rendered.should =~ /Second/ end end """ And a file named "app/views/gadgets/list.html.erb" with: """ <%= render :partial => "gadget", :collection => @gadgets %> """ When I run `rspec spec/views/gadgets/list.html.erb_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass Scenario: stub template that exists Given a file named "spec/views/gadgets/edit.html.erb_spec.rb" with: """ require "spec_helper" describe "gadgets/edit" do before(:each) do @gadget = assign(:gadget, stub_model(Gadget)) end it "renders the form partial" do stub_template "gadgets/_form.html.erb" => "This content" render rendered.should =~ /This content/ end end """ When I run `rspec spec/views/gadgets/edit.html.erb_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass