module Admin module BaseHelper def typus_render(*args) options = args.extract_options! options[:resource] ||= @resource.to_resource template_file = Rails.root.join("app", "views", "admin", options[:resource], "_#{options[:partial]}.html.erb") resource = File.exists?(template_file) ? options[:resource] : "resources" render "admin/#{resource}/#{options[:partial]}", :options => options end def title(page_title) content_for(:title) { page_title } end def header render "admin/helpers/header" end def apps render "admin/helpers/apps" end def login_info return if [:none, :http_basic].include?(Typus.authentication) admin_edit_typus_user_path = { :controller => "/admin/#{Typus.user_class.to_resource}", :action => 'edit', :id => } message = _t("Are you sure you want to sign out and end your session?") user_details = if current_user.can?('edit', Typus.user_class_name) link_to, admin_edit_typus_user_path else end render "admin/helpers/login_info", :message => message, :user_details => user_details end def display_flash_message(message = flash) return if message.empty? render "admin/helpers/flash_message", :flash_type => message.keys.first, :message => message end end end