shared_context 'prepare_dsl' do include Capybara::Json before do = JsonTestApp Capybara.current_driver = @driver @default_follow_redirect = page.driver.options[:follow_redirect] end after do page.driver.options[:follow_redirect] = @default_follow_redirect = nil Capybara.current_driver = Capybara.default_driver end end shared_examples_for 'dsl' do include_context 'prepare_dsl' %w[ get get! delete delete! ].each do |method| it "register #{method}" do __send__(method, '/') body.should == { 'Hello world!' => 'Hello world!' } end end %w[ post post! put put! ].each do |method| it "register #{method}" do __send__(method, '/', {}) body.should == { 'Hello world!' => 'Hello world!' } end it "#{method} send json" do json = { "some" => "args" } __send__(method, '/env', json) body['content_type'].should =~ %r"application/json" body['rack.input'].should == MultiJson.dump(json) end end %w[ raw_json source ].each do |method| it "register #{method}" do get('/', {}) __send__(method).should == MultiJson.dump({ 'Hello world!' => 'Hello world!' }) end end %w[ json body ].each do |method| it "register #{method}" do get('/', {}) __send__(method).should == { 'Hello world!' => 'Hello world!' } end end end shared_examples_for 'dsl with redirect support' do include_context 'prepare_dsl' it "should update current_url" do page.driver.options[:follow_redirect] = true get "/redirect" URI.parse(current_url).path.should == "/landed" end end shared_examples_for "dsl not to follow redirect" do include_context 'prepare_dsl' it "should not follow redirect" do page.driver.options[:follow_redirect] = false get "/redirect" status_code.should == 302 URI.parse(current_url).path.should == "/redirect" URI.parse(response_headers["Location"]).path.should == "/redirect_again" end end