module Records::Base extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do if defined?(Webhooks::Outgoing::IssuingModel) include Webhooks::Outgoing::IssuingModel end if defined?(ObfuscatesId) include ObfuscatesId end if defined?(QuestionMethodsFromScopes) include QuestionMethodsFromScopes end include CableReady::Updatable enable_updates extend ActiveHash::Associations::ActiveRecordExtensions # 🏚 i'd like to deprecate these. they're not descriptive enough. scope :newest, -> { order("created_at DESC") } scope :oldest, -> { order("created_at ASC") } scope :newest_created, -> { order("created_at DESC") } scope :oldest_created, -> { order("created_at ASC") } scope :newest_updated, -> { order("updated_at DESC") } scope :oldest_updated, -> { order("updated_at ASC") } # Microscope adds useful scopes targeting ActiveRecord `boolean`, `date` and `datetime` attributes. # acts_as_microscope end class_methods do # by default we represent methods by their first string attribute. def label_attribute columns_hash.values.find { |column| column.sql_type_metadata.type == :string }&.name end end # this is a template method you can override in activerecord models if we shouldn't just use their first string to # identify them. def label_string if (label_attribute = self.class.label_attribute) send("#{label_attribute}_was") else"/").last.titleize end end def parent_collection # TODO Try to suggest what the entire method definition should actually be # using parent_key below to do so. model_name = self.class # parent_key = model_name.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to) raise "You're trying to use a feature that requires #{model_name} to have a `collection` method defined that returns the Active Record association that this model belongs to within its parent object." end end