#-- # Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Engine Yard, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # This source code is available under the MIT license. # See the file LICENSE.txt for details. #++ module Warbler module Traits # The Gemspec trait reads a .gemspec file to determine the files, # executables, require paths, and dependencies for a project. class Gemspec include Trait include PathmapHelper include ExecutableHelper def self.detect? !Dir['*.gemspec'].empty? end def before_configure; require 'yaml' @spec_file = Dir['*.gemspec'].first @spec = File.open(@spec_file) { |f| Gem::Specification.from_yaml(f) } rescue Gem::Specification.load(@spec_file) @spec.runtime_dependencies.each { |g| config.gems << g } config.dirs = [] config.compiled_ruby_files = @spec.files.select { |f| f =~ /\.rb$/ } end def after_configure @spec.require_paths.each do |p| add_init_load_path( config.pathmaps.application.inject(p) { |pm,x| pm.pathmap(x) } ) end end def update_archive(jar) @spec.files.each do |f| unless File.exist?(f) warn "update your gemspec; skipping missing file #{f}" next end file_key = jar.apply_pathmaps(config, f, :application) next if jar.files[file_key] jar.files[file_key] = f end config.compiled_ruby_files.each do |f| f = f.sub(/\.rb$/, '.class') next unless File.exist?(f) jar.files[apply_pathmaps(config, f, :application)] = f end update_archive_add_executable(jar) end def default_executable if ! @spec.executables.empty? exe_script = @spec.executables.first exe_path = File.join(@spec.bindir, exe_script) # bin/script if File.exists?(exe_path) exe_path elsif File.exists?("bin/#{exe_script}") # compatibility "bin/#{exe_script}" # ... should probably remove this else raise "no `#{exe_script}` executable script found" end elsif exe_path = Dir['bin/*'].sort.first warn "no executables found in #{@spec_file}, using #{exe_path}" exe_path elsif exe_path = Dir['exe/*'].sort.first warn "no executables found in #{@spec_file}, using #{exe_path}" exe_path else raise "no executable script found" end end end end end