require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/base' class Gruff::Bullet < Gruff::Base def initialize(target_width="400x40") if not Numeric === target_width geometric_width, geometric_height = target_width.split('x') @columns = geometric_width.to_f @rows = geometric_height.to_f else @columns = target_width.to_f @rows = target_width.to_f / 5.0 end initialize_ivars reset_themes theme_greyscale @title_font_size = 20 end def data(value, maximum_value, options={}) @value = value.to_f @maximum_value = maximum_value.to_f @options = options { |k, v| @options[k] = v.to_f if v === Numeric } end # def setup_drawing # # Maybe should be done in one of the following functions for more granularity. # unless @has_data # draw_no_data() # return # end # # normalize() # setup_graph_measurements() # sort_norm_data() if @sort # Sort norm_data with avg largest values set first (for display) # # draw_legend() # draw_line_markers() # draw_axis_labels() # draw_title # end def draw # TODO Left label # TODO Bottom labels and markers # @graph_bottom # Calculations are off 800x??? @colors.reverse! draw_title @margin = 30.0 @thickness = @raw_rows / 6.0 @right_margin = @margin @graph_left = @title_width * 1.3 rescue @margin # HACK Need to calculate real width @graph_width = @raw_columns - @graph_left - @right_margin @graph_height = @thickness * 3.0 # Background @d = @d.fill @colors[0] @d = @d.rectangle(@graph_left, 0, @graph_left + @graph_width, @graph_height) [:high, :low].each_with_index do |indicator, index| next unless @options.has_key?(indicator) @d = @d.fill @colors[index + 1] indicator_width_x = @graph_left + @graph_width * (@options[indicator] / @maximum_value) @d = @d.rectangle(@graph_left, 0, indicator_width_x, @graph_height) end if @options.has_key?(:target) @d = @d.fill @font_color target_x = @graph_left + @graph_width * (@options[:target] / @maximum_value) half_thickness = @thickness / 2.0 @d = @d.rectangle(target_x, half_thickness, target_x + half_thickness, @thickness * 2 + half_thickness) end # Value @d = @d.fill @font_color @d = @d.rectangle(@graph_left, @thickness, @graph_left + @graph_width * (@value / @maximum_value), @thickness * 2) @d.draw(@base_image) end def draw_title return unless @title @font_height = calculate_caps_height(scale_fontsize(@title_font_size)) @title_width = calculate_width(@title_font_size, @title) @d.fill = @font_color @d.font = @font if @font @d.stroke('transparent') @d.font_weight = NormalWeight @d.pointsize = scale_fontsize(@title_font_size) @d.gravity = NorthWestGravity @d = @d.annotate_scaled(*[ @base_image, 1.0, 1.0, @font_height/2, @font_height/2, @title, @scale ]) end end