class Memcached (instance_methods - NilClass.instance_methods).each do |method_name| eval("alias :'#{method_name}_orig' :'#{method_name}'") end # A legacy compatibility wrapper for the Memcached class. It has basic compatibility with the <b>memcache-client</b> API. class Rails < ::Memcached DEFAULTS = { :logger => nil, :string_return_types => false } attr_reader :logger alias :servers= :set_servers # See Memcached#new for details. def initialize(*args) opts = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} servers = Array( args.any? ? args.unshift : opts.delete(:servers) ).flatten.compact opts[:prefix_key] ||= opts[:namespace] @logger = opts[:logger] @string_return_types = opts[:string_return_types] { "memcached #{VERSION} #{servers.inspect}" } if logger super(servers, opts) end def logger=(logger) @logger = logger end # Wraps Memcached#get so that it doesn't raise. This has the side-effect of preventing you from # storing <tt>nil</tt> values. def get(key, raw=false) super(key, !raw) rescue NotFound end # Alternative to #get. Accepts a key and an optional options hash supporting the single option # :raw. def read(key, options = {}) get(key, options[:raw]) end # Returns whether the key exists, even if the value is nil. def exist?(key, options = {}) get_orig(key, options) true rescue NotFound false end # Wraps Memcached#cas so that it doesn't raise. Doesn't set anything if no value is present. def cas(key, ttl=@default_ttl, raw=false, &block) super(key, ttl, !raw, &block) true rescue NotFound false end alias :compare_and_swap :cas # Wraps Memcached#get. def get_multi(keys, raw=false) get_orig(keys, !raw) end # Wraps Memcached#set. def set(key, value, ttl=@default_ttl, raw=false) super(key, value, ttl, !raw) true rescue NotStored false end # Alternative to #set. Accepts a key, value, and an optional options hash supporting the # options :raw and :ttl. def write(key, value, options = {}) set(key, value, options[:ttl] || @default_ttl, options[:raw]) end # Wraps Memcached#add so that it doesn't raise. def add(key, value, ttl=@default_ttl, raw=false) super(key, value, ttl, !raw) # This causes me pain @string_return_types ? "STORED\r\n" : true rescue NotStored @string_return_types? "NOT STORED\r\n" : false end # Wraps Memcached#delete so that it doesn't raise. def delete(key, expiry=0) super(key) rescue NotFound end # Wraps Memcached#incr so that it doesn't raise. def incr(*args) super rescue NotFound end # Wraps Memcached#decr so that it doesn't raise. def decr(*args) super rescue NotFound end # Wraps Memcached#append so that it doesn't raise. def append(*args) super rescue NotStored end # Wraps Memcached#prepend so that it doesn't raise. def prepend(*args) super rescue NotStored end alias :flush_all :flush alias :"[]" :get alias :"[]=" :set end end