require 'test_helper' class ConfigurableTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase class Context def assigns {} end end def render(&block) ExpressTemplates.render(, &block) end ETCC = ExpressTemplates::Components::Configurable class ConfigurableComponent < ETCC end test "renders first argument as dom id" do assert_match(/id="foo"/, render { configurable_component(:foo) }) end test "has no id attribute if not specified" do assert_no_match(/id="foo"/, render { configurable_component }) end class ConfigWithOption < ETCC has_option :thing, 'Something about things' end test "supports option declaration" do markup = render { config_with_option } assert_equal %Q(<div class="config-with-option"></div>\n), markup end test "does not pass declared options as html attributes" do markup = render { config_with_option(thing: 'whatever') } assert_equal %Q(<div class="config-with-option"></div>\n), markup end test "unrecognized options raises an exception" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) do class ConfigWithUnrecognizedOptions < ETCC has_option :title, 'asdfasdf', something_unrecognized: 'whatever' end end end class ConfigWithDefaultOption < ETCC has_option :rows, 'Number of rows', type: :integer, default: 5, attribute: true end class ConfigWithDefaultProcOption < ETCC has_option(:rows, 'Number of rows', { type: :integer, default: -> { %w(some random word).sample }, attribute: true, }) end test "default values are supported" do markup = render { config_with_default_option } assert_equal %Q(<div class="config-with-default-option" rows="5"></div>\n), markup end test "default values which are procs are supported" do markup = render { config_with_default_proc_option } assert_match(/(some|random|word)/, markup) end test "default values for attributes can be overridden" do markup = render { config_with_default_option(rows: 999) } assert_equal %Q(<div class="config-with-default-option" rows="999"></div>\n), markup end class ConfigWithRequiredOptions < ETCC has_option :title, 'adds a title', required: true end test "required options are required" do assert_raises(RuntimeError) do render { config_with_required_options } end assert render { config_with_required_options(title: 'foo') } end class ConfigWithOptionValues < ETCC has_option :virtual, 'gets the virtual_attributes of a resource', values: -> (*) { resource_class.virtual_attributes } def resource_class [:password, :password_confirmation]) end end test "values can be set for options" do component = assert_equal [:password, :password_confirmation], component.instance_eval(&[:virtual][:values]) end class ConfigSubclass < ConfigWithRequiredOptions has_option :status, 'something' end test "options are inherited" do assert_equal [:title, :status], ConfigSubclass.supported_options.keys end class ConfigArgument < ETCC has_argument :name, "The name.", type: :string has_option :something, "else" contains { text_node config[:name] } end test ".has_argument adds a positional configuration argument" do assert_equal :name, assert_equal "The name.",[:description] end test ".has_argument makes builder arguments accessible by name according to position" do html = render(&-> { config_argument :bar, 'Foo' }) assert_match(/>Foo</, html) end class ConfigAnotherArgument < ConfigArgument has_argument :title, "comes after name", type: :string end test ".has_argument appends supported arguments in order of inheritence" do assert_equal [:id, :name, :title], end class ConfigOverwriteId < ConfigArgument has_argument :id, 'Should overwrite :id', as: :foo, type: :symbol contains -> { text_node config[:foo] } end test ".has_argument as: allows overwrite of inherited argument" do html = render { config_overwrite_id(:whatever, 'Ignore me') } assert_match(/div.*>whatever/, html) end end