require 'core/command' require 'core/tmux' module Nutella class Start < Command @description = "Starts all or some of the bots in the current project" def run(args=nil) # Is current directory a nutella prj? if !Nutella.currentProject.exist? return end # Extract runid runid = args[0].to_s.empty? ? Nutella.currentProject.config["name"] : Nutella.currentProject.config["name"] + "_" + args[0] # Add to the list of runs and check the runId is unique if !Nutella.runlist.add?(runid) console.error "Impossible to start project: an instance of this project with the same name is already running!" console.error "You might want to kill it with 'nutella stop "+ runid + "'" return; end # Extract project directory @prj_dir = Nutella.currentProject.dir # If running on internal broker, start it if Nutella.config["broker"] == "localhost" # Are we using the internal broker startBroker end # Create .botsconfig file deleteBotsConfig createBotsConfig # Start all the bots tmux = Dir.entries("#{@prj_dir}/bots").select {|entry|"#{@prj_dir}/bots",entry)) and !(entry =='.' || entry == '..') }.each do |bot| if !File.exist?("#{@prj_dir}/bots/#{bot}/startup") console.warn "Impossible to start bot #{bot}. Couldn't locate 'startup' script." next end tmux.newWindow(bot) end # Output success message if runid == Nutella.currentProject.config["name"] console.success "Project " + Nutella.currentProject.config["name"] + " started" else console.success "Project " + Nutella.currentProject.config["name"] + ", run " + args[0] + " started" end end private def startBroker pidFile = "#{Nutella.config["broker_dir"]}/bin/.pid" if File.exist?(pidFile) # Does the broker pid file exist? pidF =, "rb") pid = pidF.close() begin Process.getpgid(pid) #PID is still alive # broker is already started and I do nothing rescue # broker is dead but we have a stale pid file File.delete(pidFile) startAndCreatePid() end else # Broker is not running and there is no file startAndCreatePid() end end def startAndCreatePid() pid = fork exec("#{Nutella.config["broker_dir"]}/startup") if pid.nil? end def createBotsConfig botsconfig = Nutella.config.to_h botsconfig.delete(:runs) botsconfig[:prj_name] = Nutella.currentProject.config["name"]"#{@prj_dir}/.botsconfig.json", "w") do |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(botsconfig)) end end def deleteBotsConfig File.delete("#{@prj_dir}/.botsconfig.json") if File.exist?("#{@prj_dir}/.botsconfig.json") end end end