= Follow stuff for Mongoid == Installation In Gemfile: gem 'mongoid_follow"" == To use To make mongoid_follow usable you need to include Mongoid::Followee into your document Meanwhile, you also need to include Mongoid::Follower in your follower model: class User include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Followee include Mongoid::Follower end class Group include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Followee end You can then follow a model using: @bonnie = User.new @bonnie.save current_user.follow(@clyde) current_user.unfollow?(@clyde) You can also see whether a model is a follower of another model or a model is a followee of another model: current_user.follower?(@clyde) current_user.followee?(@clyde) Of course, you can get a list of followers/followees: @clyde.followers @bonnie.followees * Any bug or issue, please send me an email: aeguintu@gmail.com == TODO * finish up todo's * count of followers/followees * common followers (or maybe followees) * maybe... (un)authorization of who can follow (model) * most/least followed/following #FINISHED == Thanks Thanks the mongoid_followable for == Copyright Copyright (c) Alec Guintu. See LICENSE.txt for further details.