module AIPP module LF module Helpers module Base using AIXM::Refinements # Map border names to OFMX BORDERS = { 'franco-allemande' => 'FRANCE_GERMANY', 'franco-espagnole' => 'FRANCE_SPAIN', 'franco-italienne' => 'FRANCE_ITALY', 'franco-suisse' => 'FRANCE_SWITZERLAND', 'franco-luxembourgeoise' => 'FRANCE_LUXEMBOURG', 'franco-belge' => 'BELGIUM_FRANCE', 'germano-suisse' => 'GERMANY_SWITZERLAND', 'hispano-andorrane' => 'ANDORRA_SPAIN', 'la côte atlantique française' => 'FRANCE_ATLANTIC_COAST', 'côte méditérrannéenne' => 'FRANCE_MEDITERRANEAN_COAST', 'limite des eaux territoriales atlantique françaises' => 'FRANCE_ATLANTIC_TERRITORIAL_SEA', 'parc national des écrins' => 'FRANCE_ECRINS_NATIONAL_PARK' }.freeze # Intersection points between three countries INTERSECTIONS = { 'FRANCE_SPAIN|ANDORRA_SPAIN' => AIXM.xy(lat: 42.502720, long: 1.725965), 'ANDORRA_SPAIN|FRANCE_SPAIN' => AIXM.xy(lat: 42.603571, long: 1.442681), 'FRANCE_SWITZERLAND|FRANCE_ITALY' => AIXM.xy(lat: 45.922701, long: 7.044125), 'BELGIUM_FRANCE|FRANCE_LUXEMBOURG' => AIXM.xy(lat: 49.546428, long: 5.818415), 'FRANCE_LUXEMBOURG|FRANCE_GERMANY' => AIXM.xy(lat: 49.469438, long: 6.367516), 'FRANCE_GERMANY|FRANCE_SWITZERLAND' => AIXM.xy(lat: 47.589831, long: 7.589049), 'GERMANY_SWITZERLAND|FRANCE_GERMANY' => AIXM.xy(lat: 47.589831, long: 7.589049) }.freeze # Map surface to OFMX composition, preparation and remarks SURFACES = { /^revêtue?$/ => { preparation: :paved }, /^non revêtue?$/ => { preparation: :natural }, 'macadam' => { composition: :macadam }, /^bitume ?(traité|psp)?$/ => { composition: :bitumen }, 'ciment' => { composition: :concrete, preparation: :paved }, /^b[eéè]ton ?(armé|bitume|bitumineux)?$/ => { composition: :concrete, preparation: :paved }, /^béton( de)? ciment$/ => { composition: :concrete, preparation: :paved }, 'béton herbe' => { composition: :concrete_and_grass }, 'béton avec résine' => { composition: :concrete, preparation: :paved, remarks: 'Avec résine / with resin' }, "béton + asphalte d'étanchéité sablé" => { composition: :concrete_and_asphalt, preparation: :paved, remarks: 'Étanchéité sablé / sandblasted waterproofing' }, 'béton armé + support bitumastic' => { composition: :concrete, preparation: :paved, remarks: 'Support bitumastic / bitumen support' }, /résine (époxy )?su[er] béton/ => { composition: :concrete, preparation: :paved, remarks: 'Avec couche résine / with resin seal coat' }, /^(asphalte|tarmac)$/ => { composition: :asphalt, preparation: :paved }, 'enrobé' => { preparation: :other, remarks: 'Enrobé / coated' }, 'enrobé anti-kérozène' => { preparation: :other, remarks: 'Enrobé anti-kérozène / anti-kerosene coating' }, /^enrobé bitum(e|iné|ineux)$/ => { composition: :bitumen, preparation: :paved, remarks: 'Enrobé / coated' }, 'enrobé béton' => { composition: :concrete, preparation: :paved, remarks: 'Enrobé / coated' }, /^résine( époxy)?$/ => { composition: :other, remarks: 'Résine / resin' }, 'tole acier larmé' => { composition: :metal, preparation: :grooved }, /^(structure métallique|aluminium)$/ => { composition: :metal }, 'matériaux composites ignifugés' => { composition: :other, remarks: 'Matériaux composites ignifugés / fire resistant mixed materials' }, /^(gazon|herbe)$/ => { composition: :grass }, 'neige' => { composition: :snow }, 'neige damée' => { composition: :snow, preparation: :rolled } }.freeze # Transform French text fragments to English ANGLICISE_MAP = { /[^A-Z0-9 .\-]/ => '', /0(\d)/ => '\1', /(\d)-(\d)/ => '\1.\2', /PARTIE/ => '', /DELEG\./ => 'DELEG ', /FRANCAISE?/ => 'FR', /ANGLAISE?/ => 'UK', /BELGE/ => 'BE', /LUXEMBOURGEOISE?/ => 'LU', /ALLEMANDE?/ => 'DE', /SUISSE/ => 'CH', /ITALIEN(?:NE)?/ => 'IT', /ESPAGNOLE?/ => 'ES', /ANDORRANE?/ => 'AD', /NORD/ => 'N', /EST/ => 'E', /SUD/ => 'S', /OEST/ => 'W', /ANGLO NORMANDES/ => 'ANGLO-NORMANDES', / +/ => ' ' }.freeze # Templates def organisation_lf @organisation_lf ||= AIXM.organisation( name: 'FRANCE', type: 'S' ).tap do |organisation| = 'LF' end end # Transformations def prepare(html:) html.tap do |node| node.css('del, tr[class*="AmdtDeletedAIRAC"]').each(&:remove) # remove deleted entries end end def anglicise(name:) name&.uptrans&.tap do |string| ANGLICISE_MAP.each do |regexp, replacement| string.gsub!(regexp, replacement) end end end # Parsers def source(position:, aip_file: nil) aip_file ||= @aip [ options[:region], aip_file.split('-').first, aip_file, options[:airac].date.xmlschema, position ].join('|') end def xy_from(text) parts = text.strip.split(/\s+/) AIXM.xy(lat: parts[0], long: parts[1]) end def z_from(limit) case limit when nil then nil when 'SFC' then AIXM::GROUND when 'UNL' then AIXM::UNLIMITED when /(\d+)ftASFC/ then AIXM.z($1.to_i, :qfe) when /(\d+)ftAMSL/ then AIXM.z($1.to_i, :qnh) when /FL(\d+)/ then AIXM.z($1.to_i, :qne) else fail "z `#{limit}' not recognized" end end def elevation_from(text) value, unit = text.strip.split AIXM.z(AIXM.d(value.to_i, unit).to_ft.dist, :qnh) end def layer_from(text_for_limits, text_for_class=nil) above, below = text_for_limits.gsub(/ /, '').split(/\n+/).select(&:blank_to_nil).split { |e| e.match? '---+' } AIXM.layer( class: text_for_class, vertical_limits: AIXM.vertical_limits( upper_z: z_from(above[0]), max_z: z_from(above[1]), lower_z: z_from(below[0]), min_z: z_from(below[1]) ) ) end def geometry_from(text) AIXM.geometry.tap do |geometry| buffer = {} text.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip.split(/ - /).append('end').each do |element| case element when /arc (anti-)?horaire .+ sur (\S+) , (\S+)/i geometry << AIXM.arc( xy: buffer.delete(:xy), center_xy: AIXM.xy(lat: $2, long: $3), clockwise: $1.nil? ) when /cercle de ([\d\.]+) (NM|km|m) .+ sur (\S+) , (\S+)/i geometry << center_xy: AIXM.xy(lat: $3, long: $4), radius: AIXM.d($1.to_f, $2) ) when /end|(\S+) , (\S+)/ geometry << AIXM.point(xy: buffer[:xy]) if buffer.has_key?(:xy) buffer[:xy] = AIXM.xy(lat: $1, long: $2) if $1 if border = buffer.delete(:border) from = border.nearest(xy: geometry.segments.last.xy) to = border.nearest(xy: buffer[:xy], geometry_index: from.geometry_index) geometry.concat border.segment(from_position: from, to_position: to).map(&:to_point) end when /^frontière ([\w-]+)/i, /^(\D[^(]+)/i border_name = BORDERS.fetch($1.downcase.strip) if borders.has_key? border_name # border from GeoJSON buffer[:border] = borders[border_name] else # named border buffer[:xy] ||= INTERSECTIONS.fetch("#{buffer[:border_name]}|#{border_name}") buffer[:border_name] = border_name if border_name == 'FRANCE_SPAIN' # specify which part of this split border border_name += buffer[:xy].lat < 42.55 ? '_EAST' : '_WEST' end geometry << AIXM.border( xy: buffer.delete(:xy), name: border_name ) end else fail "geometry `#{element}' not recognized" end end end end def timetable_from!(text) if text.gsub!(/^\s*#{AIXM::H_RE}\s*$/, '') AIXM.timetable(code: Regexp.last_match&.to_s&.strip) end end end end end end