# A utility layer which transforms the VPI interface # into one that is more suitable for Ruby. #-- # Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati # See the file named LICENSE for details. module VPI # restore compatibility with the C language version of VPI: in Ruby, # constants are capitalized, whereas in C, they do not have to be. constants.grep(/^(S_|Cb|Vpi)/).each do |name| meth = name[0,1].downcase << name[1..-1] value = const_get(name) define_method meth do value end module_function meth end # Number of bits in PLI_INT32. INTEGER_BITS = 32 # Lowest upper bound of PLI_INT32. INTEGER_LIMIT = 2 ** INTEGER_BITS # Bit-mask capable of capturing PLI_INT32. INTEGER_MASK = INTEGER_LIMIT - 1 end require 'thread' require 'ruby-vpi/core/struct' require 'ruby-vpi/core/handle' require 'ruby-vpi/core/edge' require 'ruby-vpi/core/callback' require 'ruby-vpi/core/scheduler'