module WAB module UI # A controller that provides a description of the UI for the WAB UI # reference implementation. class Flow < WAB::Controller attr_accessor :entry attr_reader :displays def initialize(shell) super @displays = {} end # Adds a display to the flow. def add_display(display, entry=false) name = raise if @displays.has_key?(name) @displays[name] = display @entry = name if entry end def get_display(name) @displays[name] end # Returns a description of the UI to be used. If a display name is # includd in the path thenn just that display description is returned. # # path:: array of tokens in the path. def read(path, _query) results = [] path_pos = @shell.path_pos if path_pos + 2 == path.length # Return the description of the named display. name = path[path_pos + 1] display = get_display(name) display[:entry] = true if !display.nil? && == @entry results << {id: name, data: display.spec} unless display.nil? else @displays.each_value { |display| spec = display.spec spec[:entry] = true if == @entry results << spec } end{code: 0, results: results}) end end # Flow end # UI end # WAB