== DESCRIPTION: == EXAMPLES: To create a new Tweetable user: @user = Tweetable::User.create(:screen_name => 'flippyhead') To then grab recent messages, friend counts, and other profile data: @user.update_all # will only grab messages since the last known message Now you have access to stuff like: @user.friend_ids # [34102, 23423, 67567, etc...] @user.friend_ids.size # 102 @user.profile_image_url # http://twitter.com/... @user.messages.size # 202 Links in messages can be extracted and expanded: @message = @user.messages.first @message.parse_links @link = @message.links.first # Tweetable::Link @link.url # http://tinyurl.com/yfuhltt @link.long_url # http://pathable.com And are connected to other users who mention them: @message.links.size # 2 @link.count # 8 (uses discovered so far) @link.users # [, ...] Performing a keyword search is just as easy: # @search =