# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe "Cache's" do describe 'on/off switch' do before do @api = Prismic.api("https://micro.prismic.io/api", cache: Prismic::LruCache.new(3)) @cache = @api.cache @master_ref = @api.master end it "is properly on" do @api.has_cache?.should == true @cache.is_a?(Prismic::LruCache).should == true end it "is properly off" do api = Prismic.api("https://micro.prismic.io/api", cache: nil) api.has_cache?.should == false end describe 'storage and retrieval' do it 'stores properly' do @cache.intern.size.should == 0 @api.form('arguments').submit(@master_ref) @cache.intern.size.should == 1 end it 'does not cache /api' do # do not call anything, so the only request made is the /api one @cache.intern.size.should == 0 end end describe 'cache storage' do before do # max_size = 3 @cache['fake_key1'] = 1 @cache['fake_key2'] = 2 @cache['fake_key3'] = 3 end it 'contains some keys' do @cache.include?('fake_key1').should be_true end it 'contains all keys' do @cache.intern.size.should == 3 end it 'can return all keys' do @cache.keys.should == %w(fake_key1 fake_key2 fake_key3) end it 'keeps readed keys alive' do @cache['fake_key1'] @cache['fake_key4'] = 4 @cache.include?('fake_key1').should be_true @cache.include?('fake_key2').should be_false end end describe 'caching on a real repository' do before do @api = Prismic.api("https://micro.prismic.io/api", access_token: 'MC5VcXBHWHdFQUFONDZrbWp4.77-9cDx6C3lgJu-_vXZafO-_vXPvv73vv73vv70777-9Ju-_ve-_vSLvv73vv73vv73vv70O77-977-9Me-_vQ') @cache = @api.cache @master_ref = @api.master_ref @other_ref = @api.refs['adding jason'] end it 'works on different refs' do @api.form('everything').submit(@master_ref).total_results_size.should == 20 @api.form('everything').submit(@other_ref).total_results_size.should == 21 end end end describe 'configurable api cache' do let(:api_cache) { Prismic::BasicNullCache.new } it 'uses api_cache if provided' do expect(api_cache).to receive(:get_or_set).with("https://micro.prismic.io/api", nil, 5).and_call_original.once Prismic.api("https://micro.prismic.io/api", api_cache: api_cache) end it 'uses default cache if not provided' do expect(Prismic::DefaultCache).to receive(:get_or_set).with("https://micro.prismic.io/api", nil, 5).and_call_original.once Prismic.api("https://micro.prismic.io/api") end end end describe "LRU Cache's" do it 'set & get value' do cache = Prismic::LruCache.new cache.set('key', 'value') cache.get('key').should == 'value' end it 'set with expiration value & get value' do cache = Prismic::LruCache.new cache.set('key', 'value', 1) sleep(2) cache.get('key').should == nil end it 'set with expiration and a block' do cache = Prismic::LruCache.new cache.get_or_set('key', nil, 1){ 'value' } cache.get_or_set('key', nil, 1){ 'othervalue' }.should == 'value' sleep(2) cache.get_or_set('key', nil, 1){ 'othervalue' }.should == 'othervalue' end it 'set & test value' do cache = Prismic::LruCache.new cache.set('key', 'value') cache.include?('key').should == true end it 'get or set value' do cache = Prismic::LruCache.new cache.set('key', 'value') cache.get('key').should == 'value' cache.get_or_set('key', 'value1') cache.get('key').should == 'value' cache.get_or_set('key1', 'value2') cache.get('key1').should == 'value2' end it 'set, delete & get value' do cache = Prismic::LruCache.new cache.set('key', 'value') cache.get('key').should == 'value' cache.delete('key') cache.get('key').should == nil end it 'set, clear & get value' do cache = Prismic::LruCache.new cache.expired?('key') cache.set('key', 'value') cache.set('key1', 'value1') cache.set('key2', 'value2') cache.get('key').should == 'value' cache.get('key1').should == 'value1' cache.get('key2').should == 'value2' cache.clear! cache.get('key').should == nil cache.get('key1').should == nil cache.get('key2').should == nil end end describe 'BasicNullCache' do subject { Prismic::BasicNullCache.new } it 'always misses' do subject.get('key').should == nil subject.set('key', 'value').should == 'value' subject.get('key').should == nil end it 'set uses value if no block' do subject.set('key', 'value').should == 'value' end it 'set uses block if provided' do subject.set('key', 'value'){'value2'}.should == 'value2' end it 'get_or_set uses value if no block' do subject.get_or_set('key', 'value').should == 'value' end it 'get_or_set uses block if provided' do subject.get_or_set('key', 'value'){'value2'}.should == 'value2' end end