# encoding: UTF-8 # Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 require 'spec_helper' include TwitterCldr::Shared describe PostalCodes do describe "#territories" do let(:territories) { PostalCodes.territories } it 'returns an array' do expect(territories).to be_instance_of(Array) end it 'returns symbols' do territories.each { |territory| expect(territory).to be_instance_of(Symbol) } end it 'returns supported territories' do expect(territories).to include(:br, :fr, :jp) end end describe "#new" do it "should raise an error if the territory isn't supported" do expect { PostalCodes.for_territory(:xx) }.to raise_error(InvalidTerritoryError) end it 'accepts strings' do expect(PostalCodes.for_territory("us")).to be_a(PostalCodes) end it 'accepts upper-case strings' do expect(PostalCodes.for_territory("US")).to be_a(PostalCodes) end end context "with a PostalCodes instance" do let(:postal_code) { PostalCodes.for_territory(:us) } describe '#regexp' do it 'returns postal code regex for a given territory' do expect(postal_code.regexp).to be_a(Regexp) end end describe '#find_all' do it 'matches valid postal codes' do expect(postal_code.find_all("12345 23456")).to eql(['12345', '23456']) end it 'does not match invalid postal codes' do expect(postal_code.find_all("123456 23456")).to eql(['23456']) expect(postal_code.find_all("12345 234567")).to eql(['12345']) expect(postal_code.find_all("12345 234567 34567")).to eql(['12345', '34567']) end end describe '#valid?' do it 'returns true if a given postal code satisfies the regexp' do expect(postal_code.valid?('12345-6789')).to eq(true) end it 'returns false if a given postal code adds extra characters to an otherwise valid code' do expect(postal_code.valid?('123456')).to eq(false) end it "returns false if a given postal code doesn't satisfy the regexp" do expect(postal_code.valid?('postal-code')).to eq(false) end end describe "#sample" do PostalCodes.territories.each do |territory| next unless territory == :sh postal_code = PostalCodes.for_territory(territory) it "returns samples that match #{territory}" do if postal_code.has_generator? postal_code.sample(10).each do |sample| result = postal_code.valid?(sample) puts "Failed with example #{sample}" unless result expect(result).to eq(true) end end end end end end context 'with a postal code that has no AST' do let(:postal_code) { PostalCodes.new(:xx, /\d{5}/, nil) } describe '#sample' do it 'raises an exception' do expect { postal_code.sample }.to raise_error( MissingPostcodeGeneratorError ) end end describe '#has_generator?' do it 'returns false' do expect(postal_code).to_not have_generator end end end end