class ::IshManager::IroOptionGetsController < IshManager::ApplicationController # before_action :set_lists def create @item = params[:iro_option_get].permit! @item.kind = Iro::OptionGet::KIND_GET_CHAINS authorize! :create, @item flag = if flag flash[:notice] = 'Created option_get.' else flash[:alert] = "Cannot create option_get: #{@item.errors.full_messages.join(', ')}." end redirect_to action: 'index', controller: 'ish_manager/iro_watches' end def max_pain @ticker = params[:ticker] @date = params[:date].to_time.to_i ## 1689364800000 ## Fri, 14 Jul 2023 15:00:00.000000000 CDT -05:00 authorize! :max_pain, Iro::Iro @expirationDate = ( params[:date].to_date + 15.hours ).to_time.to_i * 1000 # '1689364800000' # expirationDate = '1689969600000' # expirationDate = '1690574400000' @all_items = {} calls_sql = "select distinct symbol, strikePrice, putCall, openInterest from iro_option_price_items where expirationDate = #{@expirationDate} and putCall = 'CALL' and ticker = '#{@ticker}' group by symbol, strikePrice, putCall order by putCall, strikePrice, created_at desc;" @calls_items = [] @calls_array = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(calls_sql) calls_subtotal = 0 @calls_array.each do |_item| item = { symbol: _item[0], strikePrice: _item[1], putCall: _item[2], oi: _item[3], } item[:subtotal] = item[:strikePrice] * 100 * item[:oi] calls_subtotal = calls_subtotal + item[:subtotal] item[:total] = calls_subtotal puts! item, 'item' @calls_items.push( item ) @all_items[item[:strikePrice]] ||= { subtotal: 0, strikePrice: item[:strikePrice], } @all_items[item[:strikePrice]][:calls_subtotal] = calls_subtotal @all_items[item[:strikePrice]][:calls_oi] = item[:oi] @all_items[item[:strikePrice]][:subtotal] = @all_items[item[:strikePrice]][:subtotal] + calls_subtotal end puts_sql = "select distinct symbol, strikePrice, putCall, openInterest from iro_option_price_items where expirationDate = #{@expirationDate} and putCall = 'PUT' and ticker = '#{@ticker}' group by symbol, strikePrice, putCall order by putCall, strikePrice, created_at desc;" @puts_items = [] @puts_array = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(puts_sql) puts_subtotal = 0 @puts_array.each do |_item| item = { symbol: _item[0], strikePrice: _item[1], putCall: _item[2], oi: _item[3], } item[:subtotal] = item[:strikePrice] * 100 * item[:oi] puts_subtotal = puts_subtotal + item[:subtotal] item[:total] = puts_subtotal puts! item, 'item' @puts_items.push( item ) @all_items[item[:strikePrice]] ||= { subtotal: 0, strikePrice: item[:strikePrice], } @all_items[item[:strikePrice]][:puts_subtotal] = puts_subtotal @all_items[item[:strikePrice]][:puts_oi] = item[:oi] @all_items[item[:strikePrice]][:subtotal] = @all_items[item[:strikePrice]][:subtotal] + puts_subtotal end render 'ish_manager/iro_watches/max_pain' end # def destroy # @w = Iro::OptionWatch.find params[:id] # authorize! :destroy, @w # flag = @w.destroy # if flag # flash[:notice] = 'Success.' # else # flash[:alert] = @w.errors.full_messages.join(", ") # end # redirect_to action: 'index' # end # def index # authorize! :index, Iro::OptionWatch # @watches = Iro::OptionWatch.order_by( ticker: :asc, direction: :asc, price: :desc) # @option_get_chains = Iro::OptionGet.all_get_chains # end # def update # @option_watch = Iro::OptionWatch.find params[:id] # authorize! :update, @option_watch # flag = @option_watch.update_attributes params[:iro_watch].permit! # if flag # flash[:notice] = 'Updated option watch.' # else # flash[:alert] = "Cannot update option watch: #{@option_watch.errors.full_messages.join(', ')}." # end # redirect_to action: 'index' # end end