3.1.12 (Brainy Betty) 67d2c44198039f31460fc69d02b45fbe463379dc o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @options{:@has_childrenT:@template"W@import "shared"; // The default value is `padding-box` -- the box model used by modern browsers. // // If you wish to do so, you can override the default constant with `border-box` // // To override to the default border-box model, use this code: // $default-background-clip: border-box $default-background-clip: padding-box !default; // Clip the background (image and color) at the edge of the padding or border. // // Legal Values: // // * padding-box // * border-box // * text @mixin background-clip($clip: $default-background-clip) { // webkit and mozilla use the deprecated short [border | padding] $clip: unquote($clip); $deprecated: $clip; @if $clip == padding-box { $deprecated: padding; } @if $clip == border-box { $deprecated: border; } // Support for webkit and mozilla's use of the deprecated short form @include experimental(background-clip, $deprecated, -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, not official ); @include experimental(background-clip, $clip, not -moz, not -webkit, -o, -ms, -khtml, official ); } :@children[ o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode ;@;0; [: @linei:@imported_filename" sharedo:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @loud0;@: @silenti: @value["/* The default value is `padding-box` -- the box model used by modern browsers. * * If you wish to do so, you can override the default constant with `border-box` * * To override to the default border-box model, use this code: * $default-background-clip: border-box */; [; io:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@; [: @guarded" !default: @name"default-background-clip; i: @expro:Sass::Script::String ;@;"padding-box; i: @type:identifiero; ;0;@;i;["™/* Clip the background (image and color) at the edge of the padding or border. * * Legal Values: * * * padding-box * * border-box * * text */; [; io:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;@: @args[[o:Sass::Script::Variable;@;" clip:@underscored_name" clipo; ;@;"default-background-clip; i;"default_background_clip;T; [ o; ;0;@;i;["I/* webkit and mozilla use the deprecated short [border | padding] */; [; io; ;@; [;0;" clip; i;o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;@:@keywords{;[o; ;@;" clip; i;" clip;" unquote; io; ;@; [;0;"deprecated; i;o; ;@;" clip; i;" clipu:Sass::Tree::IfNodeX[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand2o:Sass::Script::String : @options{: @value"padding-box: @linei: @type:identifier:@operator:eq:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable ;@: @name" clip; i:@underscored_name" clip;@; i0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;"deprecated; i: @expro; ;@; " padding; i; ; u;V[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand2o:Sass::Script::String : @options{: @value"border-box: @linei: @type:identifier:@operator:eq:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable ;@: @name" clip; i:@underscored_name" clip;@; i0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;"deprecated; i: @expro; ;@; " border; i; ; o; ;0;@;i;["L/* Support for webkit and mozilla's use of the deprecated short form */; [; io:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;@;{;[ o; ;@;"background-clip; i ;;o; ;@;"deprecated; i ;"deprecatedo; ;@;" -moz; i!;;o; ;@;" -webkit; i";;o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation :@operator:not;@; i#: @operando; ;@;"-o; i#;;o; ;!;";@; i$;#o; ;@;"-ms; i$;;o; ;!;";@; i%;#o; ;@;" -khtml; i%;;o; ;!;";@; i&;#o; ;@;" official; i&;;; [;"experimental; i'o; ;@;{;[ o; ;@;"background-clip; i(;;o; ;@;" clip; i(;" clipo; ;!;";@; i);#o; ;@;" -moz; i);;o; ;!;";@; i*;#o; ;@;" -webkit; i*;;o; ;@;"-o; i+;;o; ;@;"-ms; i,;;o; ;@;" -khtml; i-;;o; ;@;" official; i.;;; [;"experimental; i/;"background-clip; i; i