#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'escort' require_relative '../lib/contentful/importer/cli' fail ArgumentError, 'Set the path to the configuration file and define an action. More information can be found in the README.' if ARGF.argv.empty? fail ArgumentError, "Missing '--config-file' argument. Usage: 'contentful-importer --config-file PATH_TO_CONFIGURATION_FILE --action'." unless ARGV.include?('--config-file') Escort::App.create do |app| app.summary 'Executable file of Generic-importer Gem' app.options do |opts| opts.opt :file, '--config-file', short: '-f', long: '--config-file', type: :string app.command '--create-contentful-model-from-json' do |command| command.summary 'Create content types json files, based on contentful_structure.json file.' command.action do |options, arguments| Contentful::Importer::CLI.new(options, arguments).execute end end app.command '--convert-content-model-to-json' do |command| command.summary 'Transform contentful model to contentful structure ready to import. View README' command.action do |options, arguments| Contentful::Importer::CLI.new(options, arguments).execute end end app.command '--import-content-types' do |command| command.summary 'Find an existing Space or create new one. Import content types to Contentful platform' command.requires_arguments false command.options do |opts| opts.opt :space_id, 'space_id', short: '-s', long: '--space_id', type: :string opts.opt :space_name, 'space_name', short: :none, long: '--space_name', type: :string end command.action do |options, arguments| Contentful::Importer::CLI.new(options, arguments).execute end end app.command '--import' do |command| command.summary 'Import entries to Contentful platform' command.options do |opts| opts.opt :threads, 'threads', short: '-t', long: '--threads', type: :integer, default: 1 opts.validate(:threads, 'argument must be set to 1 or 2 exclusive. ') { |option| option > 0 && option <= 2 } end command.action do |options, arguments| Contentful::Importer::CLI.new(options, arguments).execute end end app.command '--test-credentials' do |command| command.summary 'Check your Contentful-management credentials' command.action do |options, arguments| Contentful::Importer::CLI.new(options, arguments).execute end end app.command '--import-assets' do |command| command.summary 'Import only assets' command.action do |options, arguments| Contentful::Importer::CLI.new(options, arguments).execute end end app.command '--publish-entries' do |command| command.summary 'Publish all entries' command.action do |options, arguments| Contentful::Importer::CLI.new(options, arguments).execute end end app.command '--publish-assets' do |command| command.summary 'Publish all assets' command.options do |opts| opts.opt :threads, 'threads', short: '-t', long: '--threads', type: :integer, default: 1 opts.validate(:threads, 'argument must be set to 1 or 2 exclusive. ') { |option| option > 0 && option <= 2 } end command.action do |options, arguments| Contentful::Importer::CLI.new(options, arguments).execute end end app.command '--validate-schema' do |command| command.summary 'Validate entries JSON schema' command.action do |options, arguments| Contentful::Importer::CLI.new(options, arguments).execute end end end end