/* */ "format cjs"; "use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports.ImportSpecifier = ImportSpecifier; exports.ImportDefaultSpecifier = ImportDefaultSpecifier; exports.ExportDefaultSpecifier = ExportDefaultSpecifier; exports.ExportSpecifier = ExportSpecifier; exports.ExportNamespaceSpecifier = ExportNamespaceSpecifier; exports.ExportAllDeclaration = ExportAllDeclaration; exports.ExportNamedDeclaration = ExportNamedDeclaration; exports.ExportDefaultDeclaration = ExportDefaultDeclaration; exports.ImportDeclaration = ImportDeclaration; exports.ImportNamespaceSpecifier = ImportNamespaceSpecifier; // istanbul ignore next function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj["default"] = obj; return newObj; } } var _types = require("../../types"); var t = _interopRequireWildcard(_types); /** * Prints ImportSpecifier, prints imported and local. */ function ImportSpecifier(node, print) { print.plain(node.imported); if (node.local && node.local.name !== node.imported.name) { this.push(" as "); print.plain(node.local); } } /** * Prints ImportDefaultSpecifier, prints local. */ function ImportDefaultSpecifier(node, print) { print.plain(node.local); } /** * Prints ExportDefaultSpecifier, prints exported. */ function ExportDefaultSpecifier(node, print) { print.plain(node.exported); } /** * Prints ExportSpecifier, prints local and exported. */ function ExportSpecifier(node, print) { print.plain(node.local); if (node.exported && node.local.name !== node.exported.name) { this.push(" as "); print.plain(node.exported); } } /** * Prints ExportNamespaceSpecifier, prints exported. */ function ExportNamespaceSpecifier(node, print) { this.push("* as "); print.plain(node.exported); } /** * Prints ExportAllDeclaration, prints exported and source. */ function ExportAllDeclaration(node, print) { this.push("export *"); if (node.exported) { this.push(" as "); print.plain(node.exported); } this.push(" from "); print.plain(node.source); this.semicolon(); } /** * Prints ExportNamedDeclaration, delegates to ExportDeclaration. */ function ExportNamedDeclaration(node, print) { this.push("export "); ExportDeclaration.call(this, node, print); } /** * Prints ExportDefaultDeclaration, delegates to ExportDeclaration. */ function ExportDefaultDeclaration(node, print) { this.push("export default "); ExportDeclaration.call(this, node, print); } /** * Prints ExportDeclaration, prints specifiers, declration, and source. */ function ExportDeclaration(node, print) { var specifiers = node.specifiers; if (node.declaration) { var declar = node.declaration; print.plain(declar); if (t.isStatement(declar) || t.isFunction(declar) || t.isClass(declar)) return; } else { if (node.exportKind === "type") { this.push("type "); } var first = specifiers[0]; var hasSpecial = false; if (t.isExportDefaultSpecifier(first) || t.isExportNamespaceSpecifier(first)) { hasSpecial = true; print.plain(specifiers.shift()); if (specifiers.length) { this.push(", "); } } if (specifiers.length || !specifiers.length && !hasSpecial) { this.push("{"); if (specifiers.length) { this.space(); print.join(specifiers, { separator: ", " }); this.space(); } this.push("}"); } if (node.source) { this.push(" from "); print.plain(node.source); } } this.ensureSemicolon(); } /** * Prints ImportDeclaration, prints specifiers and source, handles isType. */ function ImportDeclaration(node, print) { this.push("import "); if (node.importKind === "type" || node.importKind === "typeof") { this.push(node.importKind + " "); } var specfiers = node.specifiers; if (specfiers && specfiers.length) { var first = node.specifiers[0]; if (t.isImportDefaultSpecifier(first) || t.isImportNamespaceSpecifier(first)) { print.plain(node.specifiers.shift()); if (node.specifiers.length) { this.push(", "); } } if (node.specifiers.length) { this.push("{"); this.space(); print.join(node.specifiers, { separator: ", " }); this.space(); this.push("}"); } this.push(" from "); } print.plain(node.source); this.semicolon(); } /** * Prints ImportNamespaceSpecifier, prints local. */ function ImportNamespaceSpecifier(node, print) { this.push("* as "); print.plain(node.local); }