require 'earth/fuel/data_miner' AutomobileFuel.class_eval do data_miner do process "Start from scratch" do delete_all end import "a Brighter Planet-curated list of automobile fuels", :url => "file://#{Earth::DATA_DIR}/automobile/auto_fuel_data.csv" do key 'name' store 'code' store 'family' store 'distance_key' store 'base_fuel_name', :nullify => true store 'blend_fuel_name', :nullify => true store 'blend_portion', :nullify => true end process "Ensure Fuel is populated" do Fuel.run_data_miner! end process "Derive energy content and co2 emission factors from Fuel" do AutomobileFuel.find('electricity').update_attributes!( :energy_content =>, :energy_content_units => 'megajoules_per_kilowatt_hour' ) where("name != 'electricity'").each do |auto_fuel| %w{ energy_content co2_emission_factor co2_biogenic_emission_factor }.each do |method| value = if auto_fuel.blend_portion (auto_fuel.blend_portion * auto_fuel.blend_fuel.send(method)) + ((1 - auto_fuel.blend_portion) * auto_fuel.base_fuel.send(method)) else auto_fuel.base_fuel.send method end auto_fuel.update_attributes!( :"#{method}" => value, :"#{method}_units" => auto_fuel.base_fuel.send("#{method}_units") ) end end end import "Alternative fuel ch4 and n2o emission factors derived from the EPA GHG inventory", :url => "file://#{Earth::DATA_DIR}/automobile/auto_fuel_efs.csv" do key 'name' store 'ch4_emission_factor', :from_units => :grams_per_mile, :to_units => :kilograms_per_kilometre store 'n2o_emission_factor', :from_units => :grams_per_mile, :to_units => :kilograms_per_kilometre end process "Ensure AutomobileTypeFuel is populated" do AutomobileTypeFuel.run_data_miner! end process "Derive annual distance, emission factors, and total consumption from AutomobileTypeFuel" do find_each do |record| if (type_fuels = record.type_fuels).any? %w{ annual_distance ch4_emission_factor n2o_emission_factor }.each do |item| record.update_attributes!( :"#{item}" => type_fuels.weighted_average(item, :weighted_by => :vehicles), :"#{item}_units" => type_fuels.first.send("#{item}_units") ) end unless =~ / gasoline/ record.update_attributes!( :total_consumption => record.type_fuels.sum(:fuel_consumption), :total_consumption_units => record.type_fuels.first.fuel_consumption_units ) end end end end process "Derive annual distance for alternative fuels" do %w{ diesel gasoline }.each do |key| reference_fuel = find(key) where(:annual_distance => nil, :distance_key => key).update_all %{ annual_distance = #{reference_fuel.annual_distance}, annual_distance_units = '#{reference_fuel.annual_distance_units}' } end end process "Ensure GreenhouseGas is populated" do GreenhouseGas.run_data_miner! end process "Convert emission factors to co2e" do %w{ ch4 n2o }.each do |gas| where("#{gas}_emission_factor_units = 'kilograms_per_kilometre'").update_all %{ #{gas}_emission_factor = #{gas}_emission_factor * #{GreenhouseGas[gas].global_warming_potential}, #{gas}_emission_factor_units = 'kilograms_co2e_per_kilometre' } end end end end