module ProjectScout # This is a helper class with a bit of syntactical magic. Want to know if # /home/user/bubbles is a Rails project? # # ProjectScout::Dir("/home/user/bubbles").ruby_rails_project? # # Want to know if it's any sort of Ruby project? # # ProjectScout::Dir("/home/user/bubbles").ruby_project? # class Dir attr_accessor :path def initialize(path) self.path = path end def git_repository? contains? ".git" end def ruby_cucumber? contains? "features/env.rb" end def ruby_rails? contains? "config/environment.rb" end def ruby_rspec? contains? "spec/spec_helper.rb" end def local_methods self.methods - self.class.methods end # Explanation of magic: # # 1) if a method is invoked with a "_project?" suffix, strip "_project" # and call with the same arguments. Thus calling foo_bar_project? # invokes foo_bar? # # 2) if a method invoked has no underscores in it, and local methods # exist that start with the same string, invoke all of them and # return true if and return true. Thus calling foo_project? when # foo_bar_project? and foo_baz_project? exist will return true # only if any of foo_bar_project? and foo_baz_project? return true. # def method_missing(method, *args) method = method.to_s if method.end_with? "_project?" method.sub! "_project", "" self.send method.to_sym, *args elsif !method.include?("_") && local_methods.find { |m| m.to_s.start_with? "#{method.chop}_" } project_methods = local_methods.find_all { |m| m.to_s.start_with? "#{method.chop}_" } project_methods.collect { |m| self.send m.to_s }.any? else raise"undefined local variable or method '#{method}' for ProjectScout::Dir") end end def contains?(path_suffix) File.exists?(File.join(path, path_suffix)) end end class << self def Dir(path) path end end end