%li.event_rule{"data-index" => index} = link_to image_tag('delete.png', :size => '16x16', :alt => 'Remove Rule'), nil, :class => "remove_event_rule" = r.hidden_field(:id) unless r.object.new_record? If = event_category_select(r) = event_fields_for(r.object, 'cloudfuji_event_received') do = r.text_field :cloudfuji_event, :class => "cloudfuji_event_input" is received, and contains = event_fields_for(r.object, 'page_loaded') do = r.text_field :page_name, :class => "page_name_input" on app ID = r.text_field :app_id, :class => "app_id_input" = event_fields_for(r.object, 'lead_attribute_changed') do = r.select :lead_attribute, lead_attributes, :class => "lead_attribute", :include_blank => true changes, and equals = event_fields_for(r.object, %w(cloudfuji_event_received lead_attribute_changed)) do = content_tag(:small, "(optional)") << ":".html_safe = r.text_field :match, :class => "match_input" %small (Case insensitive? = r.check_box(:case_insensitive_matching) << h(")") then = action_select(r) = action_fields_for(r.object, 'change_lead_score') do by = r.text_field :change_score_by, :class => "numeric_input" points. -# Add/Remove tag actions share the same field = action_fields_for(r.object, %w(add_tag remove_tag)) do = r.text_field :tag, :class => "tag_input" = action_fields_for(r.object, %w(add_to_mailing_list_group)) do = r.text_field :mailing_list_group, :class => "mailing_list_group_input" in grouping = r.text_field :mailing_list_grouping, :class => "mailing_list_grouping_input" on list = r.text_field :mailing_list, :class => "mailing_list_input" %br -# TEMPORARY WORKAROUND %small{:style => "margin-left:26px;display:inline-block;padding-top:14px;"} Umi user Ido ID: = r.text_field :user_ido_id = action_fields_for(r.object, %w(change_lead_score send_notification)) do %small (Limit per lead: = r.text_field(:limit_per_lead, :class => "numeric_input") << h(")")