module Workarea module Search class CategoryBrowse include Query include Facets include LoadProductResults include CategorizationFiltering include ProductDisplayRules include Pagination document Search::Storefront def self.available_sorts Sort.top_sellers, Sort.popularity, Sort.newest, Sort.price_asc, Sort.price_desc ) end def query { bool: { must: product_display_query_clauses + category_query_clauses } } end def aggregations end def post_filter { bool: { must: } } end def sort result = current_sort_clauses add_displayable_out_of_stock_sort_clause(result) result << views_score_sort_clause result end def sorts Array(params[:sort]) end def category_id if params[:category_ids].respond_to?(:first) params[:category_ids].first end end private def current_sort_clauses sorts.each_with_object([]) do |sort_slug, result| if sort_slug.to_s == 'featured' result << featured_sort_clause else current_sort = self.class.available_sorts.find(sort_slug) if current_sort.field.present? result << { current_sort.field => { order: current_sort.direction, missing: '_last', unmapped_type: 'float' } } end end end end # We want featured sorts to always be respected so the "displayable when # out of stock sort" must always be inserted after the featured sort in # the sorts array def add_displayable_out_of_stock_sort_clause(sorts) displayable_when_out_of_stock_index = 0 if featured_index = sorts.index(featured_sort_clause) displayable_when_out_of_stock_index += featured_index + 1 end sorts.insert( displayable_when_out_of_stock_index, displayable_when_out_of_stock_sort_clause ) end def featured_sort_clause { "sorts.#{category_id}" => { order: 'asc', missing: '_last', unmapped_type: 'float' } } end def views_score_sort_clause { 'sorts.views_score': { order: :desc, missing: '_last', unmapped_type: 'float' } } end end end end