CREATE TABLE Event ( -- maybe Event is certified by Certificate, Certificate varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Event occurred on Event Date and maybe Event Date occurred on Day, EventDateDay int NULL CHECK((EventDateDay >= 1 AND EventDateDay <= 31)), -- maybe Event occurred on Event Date and maybe Event Date wasnt after max-Year, EventDateMaxYear int NULL, -- maybe Event occurred on Event Date and maybe Event Date wasnt before min-Year, EventDateMinYear int NULL, -- maybe Event occurred on Event Date and maybe Event Date occurred in Month, EventDateMonth int NULL CHECK((EventDateMonth >= 1 AND EventDateMonth <= 12)), -- Event has Event ID, EventID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, -- maybe Event occurred at Event Location, EventLocation varchar(128) NULL, -- maybe Event is of Event Type and Event Type has Event Type ID, EventTypeID int NULL, -- maybe Event was confirmed by Official, Official varchar(64) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(EventID) ) GO CREATE TABLE EventType ( -- Event Type has Event Type ID, EventTypeID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, -- Event Type is called Event Type Name, EventTypeName varchar(16) NOT NULL CHECK(EventTypeName = 'Birth' OR EventTypeName = 'Burial' OR EventTypeName = 'Christening' OR EventTypeName = 'Death' OR EventTypeName = 'Divorce' OR EventTypeName = 'Marriage'), PRIMARY KEY(EventTypeID), UNIQUE(EventTypeName) ) GO CREATE TABLE Friendship ( -- Friendship is confirmed, IsConfirmed bit NULL, -- Friendship involves other-User and User has User ID, OtherUserID int NOT NULL, -- Friendship involves User and User has User ID, UserID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(UserID, OtherUserID) ) GO CREATE TABLE Participation ( -- Participation involves Event and Event has Event ID, EventID int NOT NULL, -- Participation involves Person and Person has Person ID, PersonID int NOT NULL, -- Participation involves Role and Role has Role ID, RoleID int NOT NULL, -- Participation involves Source and Source has Source ID, SourceID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(PersonID, RoleID, EventID, SourceID), FOREIGN KEY (EventID) REFERENCES Event (EventID) ) GO CREATE TABLE Person ( -- maybe Person lives at Address, Address varchar(128) NULL, -- maybe Person has Email, Email varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Person is called family-Name, FamilyName varchar(128) NULL, -- maybe Person is of Gender, Gender char(1) NULL CHECK(Gender = 'F' OR Gender = 'M'), -- maybe Person is called given-Name, GivenName varchar(128) NULL, -- maybe Person is employed in Occupation, Occupation varchar(128) NULL, -- Person has Person ID, PersonID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, -- maybe Person has preferred-Picture, PreferredPicture image NULL, PRIMARY KEY(PersonID) ) GO CREATE TABLE Role ( -- Role is called Event Role Name, EventRoleName varchar NOT NULL CHECK(EventRoleName = 'Celebrant' OR EventRoleName = 'Father' OR EventRoleName = 'Husband' OR EventRoleName = 'Mother' OR EventRoleName = 'Subject' OR EventRoleName = 'Wife'), -- Role has Role ID, RoleID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(RoleID), UNIQUE(EventRoleName) ) GO CREATE TABLE Source ( -- Source has Source ID, SourceID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, -- Source has Source Name, SourceName varchar(128) NOT NULL, -- Source was provided by User and User has User ID, UserID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(SourceID), UNIQUE(SourceName) ) GO CREATE TABLE [User] ( -- maybe User has Email, Email varchar(64) NULL, -- User has User ID, UserID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(UserID) ) GO ALTER TABLE Event ADD FOREIGN KEY (EventTypeID) REFERENCES EventType (EventTypeID) GO ALTER TABLE Friendship ADD FOREIGN KEY (OtherUserID) REFERENCES [User] (UserID) GO ALTER TABLE Friendship ADD FOREIGN KEY (UserID) REFERENCES [User] (UserID) GO ALTER TABLE Participation ADD FOREIGN KEY (PersonID) REFERENCES Person (PersonID) GO ALTER TABLE Participation ADD FOREIGN KEY (RoleID) REFERENCES Role (RoleID) GO ALTER TABLE Participation ADD FOREIGN KEY (SourceID) REFERENCES Source (SourceID) GO ALTER TABLE Source ADD FOREIGN KEY (UserID) REFERENCES [User] (UserID) GO