require 'fog/compute/models/server' module Fog module Compute class AWS class Server < Fog::Compute::Server extend Fog::Deprecation deprecate :ip_address, :public_ip_address identity :id, :aliases => 'instanceId' attr_accessor :architecture attribute :ami_launch_index, :aliases => 'amiLaunchIndex' attribute :availability_zone, :aliases => 'availabilityZone' attribute :block_device_mapping, :aliases => 'blockDeviceMapping' attribute :client_token, :aliases => 'clientToken' attribute :dns_name, :aliases => 'dnsName' attribute :groups attribute :flavor_id, :aliases => 'instanceType' attribute :image_id, :aliases => 'imageId' attr_accessor :instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior attribute :kernel_id, :aliases => 'kernelId' attribute :key_name, :aliases => 'keyName' attribute :created_at, :aliases => 'launchTime' attribute :monitoring, :squash => 'state' attribute :placement_group, :aliases => 'groupName' attribute :platform, :aliases => 'platform' attribute :product_codes, :aliases => 'productCodes' attribute :private_dns_name, :aliases => 'privateDnsName' attribute :private_ip_address, :aliases => 'privateIpAddress' attribute :public_ip_address, :aliases => 'ipAddress' attribute :ramdisk_id, :aliases => 'ramdiskId' attribute :reason attribute :root_device_name, :aliases => 'rootDeviceName' attribute :root_device_type, :aliases => 'rootDeviceType' attribute :security_group_ids, :aliases => 'securityGroupIds' attribute :state, :aliases => 'instanceState', :squash => 'name' attribute :state_reason, :aliases => 'stateReason' attribute :subnet_id, :aliases => 'subnetId' attribute :tenancy attribute :tags, :aliases => 'tagSet' attribute :user_data attribute :vpc_id, :aliases => 'vpcId' attr_accessor :password attr_writer :private_key, :private_key_path, :public_key, :public_key_path, :username def initialize(attributes={}) self.groups ||= ["default"] unless (attributes[:subnet_id] || attributes[:security_group_ids]) self.flavor_id ||= 't1.micro' self.image_id ||= begin self.username = 'ubuntu' case attributes[:connection].instance_variable_get(:@region) # Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64bit (EBS) when 'ap-northeast-1' 'ami-5e0fa45f' when 'ap-southeast-1' 'ami-f092eca2' when 'eu-west-1' 'ami-3d1f2b49' when 'us-east-1' 'ami-3202f25b' when 'us-west-1' 'ami-f5bfefb0' end end super end def addresses requires :id connection.addresses(:server => self) end def console_output requires :id connection.get_console_output(id) end def destroy requires :id connection.terminate_instances(id) true end remove_method :flavor_id def flavor_id @flavor && || attributes[:flavor_id] end def flavor=(new_flavor) @flavor = new_flavor end def flavor @flavor ||= connection.flavors.all.detect {|flavor| == flavor_id} end def key_pair requires :key_name connection.key_pairs.all(key_name).first end def key_pair=(new_keypair) self.key_name = new_keypair && end def private_key_path @private_key_path ||= Fog.credentials[:private_key_path] @private_key_path &&= File.expand_path(@private_key_path) end def private_key @private_key ||= private_key_path && end def public_key_path @public_key_path ||= Fog.credentials[:public_key_path] @public_key_path &&= File.expand_path(@public_key_path) end def public_key @public_key ||= public_key_path && end def ready? state == 'running' end def reboot requires :id connection.reboot_instances(id) true end def save raise'Resaving an existing object may create a duplicate') if identity requires :image_id options = { 'BlockDeviceMapping' => block_device_mapping, 'ClientToken' => client_token, 'InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior' => instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior, 'InstanceType' => flavor_id, 'KernelId' => kernel_id, 'KeyName' => key_name, 'Monitoring.Enabled' => monitoring, 'Placement.AvailabilityZone' => availability_zone, 'Placement.GroupName' => placement_group, 'Placement.Tenancy' => tenancy, 'RamdiskId' => ramdisk_id, 'SecurityGroup' => groups, 'SecurityGroupId' => security_group_ids, 'SubnetId' => subnet_id, 'UserData' => user_data } options.delete_if {|key, value| value.nil?} # If subnet is defined we are working on a virtual private cloud. # subnet & security group cannot co-exist. I wish VPC just ignored # the security group parameter instead, it would be much easier! if subnet_id options.delete('SecurityGroup') else options.delete('SubnetId') end data = connection.run_instances(image_id, 1, 1, options) merge_attributes(data.body['instancesSet'].first) if tags = self.tags # expect eventual consistency Fog.wait_for { self.reload rescue nil } for key, value in (self.tags = tags) connection.tags.create( :key => key, :resource_id => self.identity, :value => value ) end end true end def setup(credentials = {}) requires :public_ip_address, :username require 'multi_json' require 'net/ssh' commands = [ %{mkdir .ssh}, %{passwd -l #{username}}, %{echo "#{MultiJson.encode(Fog::JSON.sanitize(attributes))}" >> ~/attributes.json} ] if public_key commands << %{echo "#{public_key}" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys} end # wait for aws to be ready Timeout::timeout(360) do begin Timeout::timeout(8) do, username, credentials.merge(:timeout => 4)).run('pwd') end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED sleep(2) retry rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed, Timeout::Error retry end end, username, credentials).run(commands) end def start requires :id connection.start_instances(id) true end def stop(force = false) requires :id connection.stop_instances(id, force) true end def username @username ||= 'root' end def volumes requires :id connection.volumes(:server => self) end #I tried to call it monitoring= and be smart with attributes[] #but in #save a merge_attribute is called after run_instance #thus making an un-necessary request. Use this until finding a clever solution def monitor=(new_monitor) if identity case new_monitor when true response = connection.monitor_instances(identity) when false response = connection.unmonitor_instances(identity) else raise"only Boolean allowed here") end end self.monitoring = new_monitor end private def placement=(new_placement) if new_placement.is_a?(Hash) merge_attributes(new_placement) else self.attributes[:placement] = new_placement end end end end end end