o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@created_atf1321037617.8455548 ’:@value{I" class:EFI"BundledAsset;FI"id;F"%eab9e1dd22796148d8adcdc1830b5adbI"logical_path;FI"Aquic_cms/ckeditor/_source/plugins/uicolor/dialogs/uicolor.js;FI" pathname;FI"„/Users/mwagner72/Dropbox/rails_projects/quic_cms/app/assets/javascripts/quic_cms/ckeditor/_source/plugins/uicolor/dialogs/uicolor.js;FI"content_type;FI"application/javascript;FI" mtime;FI"2011-09-13T14:23:26-05:00;FI" body;FI"®/* Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'uicolor', function( editor ) { var dialog, picker, pickerContents, // Actual UI color value. uiColor = editor.getUiColor(), pickerId = 'cke_uicolor_picker' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(); function setNewPickerColor( color ) { // Convert HEX representation to RGB, stripping # char. if ( /^#/.test( color ) ) color = window.YAHOO.util.Color.hex2rgb( color.substr( 1 ) ); picker.setValue( color, true ); // Refresh picker UI. picker.refresh( pickerId ); } function setNewUiColor( color, force ) { if ( force || dialog._.contents.tab1.livePeview.getValue() ) editor.setUiColor( color ); // Write new config string into textbox. dialog._.contents.tab1.configBox.setValue( 'config.uiColor = "#' + picker.get( "hex" ) + '"' ); } pickerContents = { id : 'yuiColorPicker', type : 'html', html : "
", onLoad : function( event ) { var url = CKEDITOR.getUrl( '_source/' + // @Packager.RemoveLine 'plugins/uicolor/yui/' ); // Create new color picker widget. picker = new window.YAHOO.widget.ColorPicker( pickerId, { showhsvcontrols : true, showhexcontrols : true, images : { PICKER_THUMB : url + "assets/picker_thumb.png", HUE_THUMB : url + "assets/hue_thumb.png" } }); // Set actual UI color to the picker. if ( uiColor ) setNewPickerColor( uiColor ); // Subscribe to the rgbChange event. picker.on( "rgbChange", function() { // Reset predefined box. dialog._.contents.tab1.predefined.setValue( '' ); setNewUiColor( '#' + picker.get( 'hex' ) ); }); // Fix input class names. var inputs = new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList( picker.getElementsByTagName( 'input' ) ); for ( var i = 0; i < inputs.count() ; i++ ) inputs.getItem( i ).addClass( 'cke_dialog_ui_input_text' ); } }; var skipPreviewChange = true; return { title : editor.lang.uicolor.title, minWidth : 360, minHeight : 320, onLoad : function() { dialog = this; this.setupContent(); // #3808 if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat ) dialog.parts.contents.setStyle( 'overflow', 'hidden' ); }, contents : [ { id : 'tab1', label : '', title : '', expand : true, padding : 0, elements : [ pickerContents, { id : 'tab1', type : 'vbox', children : [ { id : 'livePeview', type : 'checkbox', label : editor.lang.uicolor.preview, 'default' : 1, onLoad : function() { skipPreviewChange = true; }, onChange : function() { if ( skipPreviewChange ) return; var on = this.getValue(), color = on ? '#' + picker.get( 'hex' ) : uiColor; setNewUiColor( color, true ); } }, { type : 'hbox', children : [ { id : 'predefined', type : 'select', 'default' : '', label : editor.lang.uicolor.predefined, items : [ [ '' ], [ 'Light blue', '#9AB8F3' ], [ 'Sand', '#D2B48C' ], [ 'Metallic', '#949AAA' ], [ 'Purple', '#C2A3C7' ], [ 'Olive', '#A2C980' ], [ 'Happy green', '#9BD446' ], [ 'Jezebel Blue', '#14B8C4' ], [ 'Burn', '#FF893A' ], [ 'Easy red', '#FF6969' ], [ 'Pisces 3', '#48B4F2' ], [ 'Aquarius 5', '#487ED4' ], [ 'Absinthe', '#A8CF76' ], [ 'Scrambled Egg', '#C7A622' ], [ 'Hello monday', '#8E8D80' ], [ 'Lovely sunshine', '#F1E8B1' ], [ 'Recycled air', '#B3C593' ], [ 'Down', '#BCBCA4' ], [ 'Mark Twain', '#CFE91D' ], [ 'Specks of dust', '#D1B596' ], [ 'Lollipop', '#F6CE23' ] ], onChange : function() { var color = this.getValue(); if ( color ) { setNewPickerColor( color ); setNewUiColor( color ); // Refresh predefined preview box. CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'predefinedPreview' ).setStyle( 'background', color ); } else CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'predefinedPreview' ).setStyle( 'background', '' ); }, onShow : function() { var color = editor.getUiColor(); if ( color ) this.setValue( color ); } }, { id : 'predefinedPreview', type : 'html', html : '