require 'readline' module Qcmd module InputCompleter # the commands listed here should represent every possible legal command ReservedWords = %w[ connect exit quit workspace workspaces disconnect help ] ReservedWorkspaceWords = Qcmd::Commands::ALL_WORKSPACE_COMMANDS ReservedCueWords = Qcmd::Commands::ALL_CUE_COMMANDS CompletionProc = {|input| # puts "input: #{ input }" matcher = /^#{Regexp.escape(input)}/ commands = ReservedWords.grep(matcher) if Qcmd.connected? # have selected a machine if Qcmd.context.workspace_connected? # have selected a workspace cue_numbers = commands = commands + cue_numbers.grep(matcher) + ReservedCueWords.grep(matcher) + ReservedWorkspaceWords.grep(matcher) else # haven't selected a workspace yet names = Qcmd.context.machine.workspace_names quoted_names = {|wn| %["#{wn}"]} workspace_names = (names + quoted_names).grep(matcher) workspace_names = quote_if_necessary workspace_names commands = commands + workspace_names end else # haven't selected a machine yet machine_names = Qcmd::Network.names quoted_names = {|mn| %["#{mn}"]} names = (quoted_names + machine_names).grep(matcher) names = quote_if_necessary(names) # unquote commands = commands + names end commands } class << self # if the name of a thing has a space in it, it must be surrounded by double # quotes to be properly handled by the parser. so before we pass back # unquoted space-containing results, we must quote them. def quote_if_necessary names do |name| if / / =~ name && /"/ !~ name # if name has a space and is not already quoted %["#{ name }"] else name end end end end end end if Readline.respond_to?("basic_word_break_characters=") Readline.basic_word_break_characters= " \t\n`><=;|&{(" end Readline.completion_append_character = nil Readline.completion_case_fold = true Readline.completion_proc = Qcmd::InputCompleter::CompletionProc