Given /^I have a git repository with a branch named "([^"]+)" checked out$/ do |branch_name| steps %{ Given a directory named "master_repo" And I cd to "master_repo" And I write to "README" with: | Initialized | And I successfully run `git init` And I successfully run `git add README` And I successfully run `git commit -m "Initial commit"` } unless branch_name == "master" steps %{ And I successfully run `git checkout -b #{branch_name}` } end steps %{ And I cd to ".." } end Given /^I have a remote git repository named "([^"]+)"$/ do |remote_name| steps %{ Given a directory named "#{remote_name}_repo" When I cd to "#{remote_name}_repo" And I successfully run `git init` And I write to "README" with: | Initialized | And I successfully run `git add .` And I successfully run `git commit -am "Initial commit"` And I cd to ".." And I cd to "master_repo" And I successfully run `git remote add #{remote_name} ../#{remote_name}_repo` And I cd to ".." } end Given /^the remote repository named "([^"]+)" has changes on the "([^"]+)" branch$/ do |remote_name, branch_name| steps %{ Given a directory named "#{remote_name}_repo" When I cd to "#{remote_name}_repo" And I successfully run `git checkout #{branch_name}` And I append to "README" with: | changed | And I successfully run `git add .` And I successfully run `git commit -am "Changed readme"` And I cd to ".." } end Given /^the repository has been initialized$/ do steps %{ Given I successfully run `git branch` Then the output should contain "master" } end Given /^I have a new branch named "([^"]+)" checked out$/ do |branch_name| steps %{ When I cd to "master_repo" And I successfully run `git checkout -b #{branch_name}` } end Given /^I have a reviewed feature branch named "([^"]+)" checked out$/ do |branch_name| pull = { "title" => "Amazing new feature", "body" => "Please pull this in!", "head" => "reenhanced:#{branch_name}", "base" => "master", "state" => "open" } stub_github_with( :user => 'reenhanced', :repo => 'repo', :branch => branch_name, :pull => pull ) review_options = { 'base' => pull['base'], 'title' => pull['title'], 'body' => pull['body'] } review_options # ensure we do not stay inside the remote repo steps %{ Given I cd to ".." } end When /^I deliver my "([^"]+)" branch$/ do |branch_name| pull = { "title" => "Amazing new feature", "body" => "Please pull this in!", "head" => "reenhanced:#{branch_name}", "base" => "master", "state" => "open" } stub_github_with( :user => 'reenhanced', :repo => 'repo', :branch => branch_name, :pull => pull ) GitReflow.deliver GitReflow.stub(:current_branch).and_return("master") end Then /^a branch named "([^"]+)" should have been created from "([^"]+)"$/ do |new_branch, base_branch| steps %{ Then the output should match /\\* \\[new branch\\]\\s* #{Regexp.escape(base_branch)}\\s* \\-\\> #{Regexp.escape(new_branch)}/ } end Then /^the base branch named "([^"]+)" should have fetched changes from the remote git repository "([^"]+)"$/ do |base_branch, remote_name| steps %{ Then the output should match /\\* \\[new branch\\]\\s* #{Regexp.escape(base_branch)}\\s* \\-\\> #{remote_name}.#{Regexp.escape(base_branch)}/ } end Then /^the subcommand "([^"]+)" should run$/ do |subcommand| has_subcommand?(subcommand).should be_true end Then /^the branch "([^"]+)" should be checked out$/ do |branch_name| GitReflow.current_branch.should == branch_name end Then /^the branch "([^"]+)" should be up to date with the remote repository$/ do |branch_name| steps %{ When I successfully run `git pull origin #{branch_name}` Then the output should contain "Already up-to-date" } end