module RESTFramework # This module provides the common functionality for any controller mixins, a `root` action, and # the ability to route arbitrary actions with `extra_actions`. This is also where `api_response` # is defined. module BaseControllerMixin # Default action for API root. def root api_response({message: "This is the root of your awesome API!"}) end module ClassMethods def get_skip_actions(skip_undefined: true) # first, skip explicitly skipped actions skip = self.skip_actions || [] # now add methods which don't exist, since we don't want to route those if skip_undefined [:index, :new, :create, :show, :edit, :update, :destroy].each do |a| skip << a unless self.method_defined?(a) end end return skip end end def self.included(base) if base.is_a? Class base.extend ClassMethods base.class_attribute(*[ :singleton_controller, :extra_actions, :skip_actions, :paginator_class, ]) base.rescue_from(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: :record_not_found) base.rescue_from(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, with: :record_invalid) base.rescue_from(ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved, with: :record_not_saved) base.rescue_from(ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed, with: :record_not_destroyed) end end protected def record_invalid(e) return api_response( {message: "Record invalid.", exception: e, errors: e.record.errors}, status: 400 ) end def record_not_found(e) return api_response({message: "Record not found.", exception: e}, status: 404) end def record_not_saved(e) return api_response({message: "Record not saved.", exception: e}, status: 406) end def record_not_destroyed(e) return api_response({message: "Record not destroyed.", exception: e}, status: 406) end def _get_routes begin formatter = ActionDispatch::Routing::ConsoleFormatter::Sheet rescue NameError formatter = ActionDispatch::Routing::ConsoleFormatter end return ).lines[1..].map { |r| r.split.last(3) }.map { |r| {verb: r[0], path: r[1], action: r[2]} }.select { |r| r[:path].start_with?(request.path) } end # Helper alias for `respond_to`/`render`, and replace nil responses with blank ones. `payload` # should be already serialized to Ruby primitives. def api_response(payload, html_kwargs: nil, json_kwargs: nil, xml_kwargs: nil, **kwargs) html_kwargs ||= {} json_kwargs ||= {} xml_kwargs ||= {} # make empty responses status 204 unless a status is already explicitly defined if (payload.nil? || payload == '') && !kwargs.key?(:status) kwargs[:status] = 204 end respond_to do |format| if payload.respond_to?(:to_json) format.json { kwargs = kwargs.merge(json_kwargs) render(json: payload || '', **kwargs) } end if payload.respond_to?(:to_xml) format.xml { kwargs = kwargs.merge(xml_kwargs) render(xml: payload || '', **kwargs) } end format.html { @payload = payload @json_payload = payload.to_json @xml_payload = payload.to_xml @template_logo_text ||= "Rails REST Framework" @title ||= self.controller_name.camelize @routes ||= self._get_routes kwargs = kwargs.merge(html_kwargs) begin render(**kwargs) rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate # fallback to rest_framework layout/view kwargs[:layout] = "rest_framework" kwargs[:template] = "rest_framework/default" end render(**kwargs) } end end end end