# SwaggerClient::CACApi All URIs are relative to *http://localhost:4010* Method | HTTP request | Description ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [**add_system_cac**](CACApi.md#add_system_cac) | **POST** /api/systems/{systemId}/approval/cac | Submit control to second role of CAC [**get_system_cac**](CACApi.md#get_system_cac) | **GET** /api/systems/{systemId}/approval/cac | Get location of one or many controls in CAC # **add_system_cac** > CacResponsePost add_system_cac(bodysystem_id) Submit control to second role of CAC Adds a Control Approval Chain (CAC) for given `systemId` path parameter<br><br> POST requests will only yield successful results if the control is currently sitting at the first role of the CAC. If the control is not currently sitting at the first role, then an error will be returned. ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_client' # setup authorization SwaggerClient.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: apikey config.api_key['api-key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) #config.api_key_prefix['api-key'] = 'Bearer' # Configure API key authorization: mockType config.api_key['Prefer'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) #config.api_key_prefix['Prefer'] = 'Bearer' # Configure API key authorization: userid config.api_key['user-uid'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) #config.api_key_prefix['user-uid'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = SwaggerClient::CACApi.new body = SwaggerClient::CacRequestPostBody.new # CacRequestPostBody | Update an existing Artifact by Id system_id = 56 # Integer | **System Id**: The unique system record identifier. begin #Submit control to second role of CAC result = api_instance.add_system_cac(bodysystem_id) p result rescue SwaggerClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling CACApi->add_system_cac: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **body** | [**CacRequestPostBody**](CacRequestPostBody.md)| Update an existing Artifact by Id | **system_id** | **Integer**| **System Id**: The unique system record identifier. | ### Return type [**CacResponsePost**](CacResponsePost.md) ### Authorization [apikey](../README.md#apikey), [mockType](../README.md#mockType), [userid](../README.md#userid) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json # **get_system_cac** > CacResponseGet get_system_cac(system_id, opts) Get location of one or many controls in CAC Returns the location of a system's package in the Control Approval Chain (CAC) for matching `systemId` path parameter ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'swagger_client' # setup authorization SwaggerClient.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: apikey config.api_key['api-key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) #config.api_key_prefix['api-key'] = 'Bearer' # Configure API key authorization: mockType config.api_key['Prefer'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) #config.api_key_prefix['Prefer'] = 'Bearer' # Configure API key authorization: userid config.api_key['user-uid'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) #config.api_key_prefix['user-uid'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = SwaggerClient::CACApi.new system_id = 56 # Integer | **System Id**: The unique system record identifier. opts = { control_acronyms: 'control_acronyms_example' # String | **System Acronym**: Filter query by given system acronym (single or comma separated). } begin #Get location of one or many controls in CAC result = api_instance.get_system_cac(system_id, opts) p result rescue SwaggerClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling CACApi->get_system_cac: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **system_id** | **Integer**| **System Id**: The unique system record identifier. | **control_acronyms** | **String**| **System Acronym**: Filter query by given system acronym (single or comma separated). | [optional] ### Return type [**CacResponseGet**](CacResponseGet.md) ### Authorization [apikey](../README.md#apikey), [mockType](../README.md#mockType), [userid](../README.md#userid) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json