require 'possessive' require 'active_support/core_ext/array/wrap' module JSONAPIonify::Api module Resource::Definitions::Actions using JSONAPIonify::DestructuredProc ActionNotFound = StandardError DEFAULT_SAVE_COMMIT = proc do |instance:, request_attributes:, request_relationships:| # Assign the attributes request_attributes.each do |key, value| instance.send "#{key}=", value end # Assign the relationships request_relationships.each do |key, value| instance.send "#{key}=", value end # Save the instance if instance.respond_to? :save end DEFAULT_DELETE_COMMIT = proc do |instance:| instance.respond_to?(:destroy) ? instance.destroy : instance.respond_to?(:delete) ? instance.delete : nil end INSTANCE_RESPONSE = proc do |context, instance:, response_object:, builder: nil| response_object[:data] = build_resource(context: context, instance: instance, &builder) response_object.to_json end CREATE_RESPONSE = proc do |context, instance:, response_object:, builder: nil, response_headers:| instance_exec(context, instance: instance, response_object: response_object, builder: builder, &INSTANCE_RESPONSE).tap do response_headers['Location'] = response_object[:data][:links][:self] end end COLLECTION_RESPONSE = proc do |context, response_collection:, links:, response_object:, builder: nil, nested_request: false| response_object[:data] = build_resource_collection( context: context, collection: response_collection, include_cursors: (links.keys & [:first, :last, :next, :prev]).present?, &builder ) response_object.to_json unless nested_request end def self.extended(klass) klass.class_eval do extend JSONAPIonify::InheritedAttributes inherited_array_attribute :action_definitions end end def list(**options, &block) define_action(:list, 'GET', **options, cacheable: true, &block).tap do |action| action.response(status: 200, &COLLECTION_RESPONSE) end end def create(**options, &block) block ||= DEFAULT_SAVE_COMMIT define_action(:create, 'POST', '', **options, cacheable: false, example_input: :resource, &block).tap do |action| action.response(status: 201, &CREATE_RESPONSE) end end def read(**options, &block) define_action(:read, 'GET', '/:id', **options, cacheable: true, &block).tap do |action| action.response(status: 200, &INSTANCE_RESPONSE) end end def update(**options, &block) block ||= DEFAULT_SAVE_COMMIT define_action(:update, 'PATCH', '/:id', **options, cacheable: false, example_input: :resource, &block).tap do |action| action.response(status: 200, &INSTANCE_RESPONSE) end end def delete(**options, &block) block ||= DEFAULT_DELETE_COMMIT define_action(:delete, 'DELETE', '/:id', **options, cacheable: false, &block).tap do |action| action.response(status: 204) end end def process(request) if (action = find_supported_action(request)), request) elsif (rel = find_supported_relationship(request)) relationship( else no_action_response(request).call(self, request) end end def define_action(name, *args, **options, &block), *args, **options, &block).tap do |new_action| action_definitions.delete new_action action_definitions << new_action end end def find_supported_action(request) actions.find do |action| action.supports?(request, base_path, path_name, supports_path?) end end def no_action_response(request) if request_method_actions(request).present? Action.error :unsupported_media_type elsif self.path_actions(request).present? Action.error :forbidden else Action.error :not_found end end def path_actions(request) do |action| action.supports_path?(request, base_path, path_name, supports_path?) end end def request_method_actions(request) path_actions(request).select do |action| action.supports_request_method?(request) end end def find_supported_relationship(request) relationship_definitions.find do |rel| relationship = self.relationship( relationship != self && relationship.path_actions(request).present? end end def remove_action(*names) action_definitions.delete_if do |action_definition| names.include? end end def call_action(name, request, **context_overrides) action(name).call(self, request, **context_overrides) end def action(name) actions.find { |action| == name } end def actions return [] if action_definitions.blank? do |action| action.only_associated == false || (respond_to?(:rel) && action.only_associated == true) end end def documented_actions api.eager_load relationships = { |descendant| descendant.respond_to? :rel } rels = relationships.each_with_object([]) do |rel, ary| rel.actions.each do |action| ary << [action, "#{rel.rel.owner.type}/:id", [rel,, false, "#{} #{rel.rel.owner.type.singularize.possessive} #{}"]] end end do |action| [action, '', [self, type, true, "#{} #{type}"]] end + rels end private def base_path '' end def supports_path? true end def path_name type.to_s end end end