module RunLoop # @!visibility private # A wrapper around codesign command line tool class Codesign # @!visibility private DEV_REGEX = /Authority=iPhone Developer:/ # @!visibility private APP_STORE_REGEX = /Authority=Apple iPhone OS Application Signing/ # @!visibility private DISTR_REGEX = /Authority=iPhone Distribution:/ # @!visibility private NOT_SIGNED_REGEX = /code object is not signed at all/ # @!visibility private def self.expect_path_exists(path) self.run_codesign_command(["--display", "--verbose=4", path]) end # @!visibility private # # True if the asset is signed. def self.signed?(path) info = info[NOT_SIGNED_REGEX, 0] == nil end # @!visibility private # # True if the asset is signed with anything other than a dev cert. def self.distribution?(path) info = info[NOT_SIGNED_REGEX, 0] == nil && info[DEV_REGEX, 0] == nil end # @!visibility private # # True if the asset is signed with a dev cert def self.developer?(path) info = info[DEV_REGEX, 0] != nil end private def self.expect_path_exists(path) if !File.exist?(path) raise ArgumentError, %Q{There is no file or directory at path: #{path} } end end def self.run_codesign_command(args) if !args.is_a?(Array) raise ArgumentError, "Expected args: '#{args}' to be an Array" end xcrun = cmd = ["codesign"] + args options = {:log_cmd => true} hash = xcrun.run_command_in_context(cmd, options) hash[:out] end end end