require 'capistrano' require 'capistrano/cli' module SimpleDeploy class Stack class SSH def initialize(args) @config = SimpleDeploy.config @logger = SimpleDeploy.logger @stack = args[:stack] @instances = args[:instances] @environment = args[:environment] @ssh_user = args[:ssh_user] @ssh_key = args[:ssh_key] @name = args[:name] @region = @config.region end def execute(args) return false if @instances.nil? || @instances.empty? create_execute_task args status = false begin @task.execute status = true "Command executed against instances successfully." rescue ::Capistrano::CommandError => error @logger.error "Error running execute statement: #{error}" rescue ::Capistrano::ConnectionError => error @logger.error "Error connecting to instances: #{error}" rescue ::Capistrano::Error => error @logger.error "Error: #{error}" end status end private def create_execute_task(args) @task = :output => @logger @task.logger.level = 3 set_ssh_gateway set_ssh_user set_ssh_options set_instances set_execute_command args end def set_execute_command(args) command = args[:command] sudo = args[:sudo] pty = args[:pty] if pty @logger.debug "Setting pty to true." @task.variables[:default_run_options] = { :pty => true } end "Setting command: '#{command}'." if sudo @task.load :string => "task :execute do sudo '#{command}' end" else @task.load :string => "task :execute do run '#{command}' end" end end def set_instances @instances.each do |instance| @logger.debug "Executing command on instance #{instance}." @task.server instance, :instances end end def set_ssh_options @logger.debug "Setting key to #{@ssh_key}." @task.variables[:ssh_options] = { :keys => @ssh_key, :paranoid => false } end def set_ssh_gateway ssh_gateway = attributes['ssh_gateway'] if ssh_gateway && !ssh_gateway.empty? @task.set :gateway, ssh_gateway "Proxying via gateway #{ssh_gateway}." else @logger.debug "Not using an ssh gateway." end end def set_ssh_user @logger.debug "Setting user to #{@ssh_user}." @task.set :user, @ssh_user end def attributes @stack.attributes end end end end